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加菲猫的幸福生活 2017-07-04 双语:上下班路上,不妨一起来“跑步通勤”吧 [摘要 ]对于跑步爱好者们来说,通勤路也可以变成健身场。天气好的时候,不妨试试“跑步通勤”,这能让你在到办公室 时精力充沛,到家时更加放松。“跑步通勤”指的是跑步从家前往办公场所。 对于跑步爱好者们来说,通勤路也可以变成健身场。天气好的时候,不妨试试“跑步通勤”,这能让你在到办公室 时精力充沛,到家时更加放松。 Runcommute refers to a run between one’s home and workplace. “跑步通勤”指的是跑步从家前往办公场所。 With lives getting busier and busier, many runners have found that running to or from work is a really efficient way to get in the miles, as well as being far more pleasant than cramming yourself on to a tube, train or bus for the overcrowded and airless commute. 随着生活变得更加忙碌,很多跑步者发现跑步通勤是个非常高效的通勤方式,同时还要比乘坐拥挤又不透气的地铁 、火车或者公交更加快乐。 Morning runs before you get to work will ensure you arrive at the office feeling awake, alive and more than a little virtuous. And if you choose to run-commute home, it is an opportunity to clear your mind of all the detritus of the day, ensuring you arrive home relaxed and energised. And ready to put page 1 / 2 加菲猫的幸福生活 2017-07-04 your feet up. 早上跑步上班可以让你在到达办公室时更加清醒、更有活力、对自己更满意。而跑步下班可以让你把一天的繁琐抛 之脑后,让你到家时更放松、更有精力,准备好休息休息。 This is the beauty of the runcommute—on the days when you’re not thinking about pace you can enjoy the fact that the very act of runcommuting is the ultimate in multitasking. It encompasses training, transport, therapy and sightseeing all in one. 这就是“跑步通勤”的魅力——在不需要考虑速度的日子里,你可以享受“跑步通勤”,它是“多任务处理”的极 致,将体育训练、交通工具、治疗和观光融于一身。 例句: Great to see more people trying this form of commuting. I run commute in several times a week. 真高兴看到更多人尝试这种通勤方式。我每周都要跑步通勤几次。 专程到南京接受中医针灸治疗,经过休养终於日渐康复。 《孟子?离娄章句上》原文:“不孝有三,无后为大。 当前文章:/news/20170


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