七下Unit2 Integrated skills 课件.ppt

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七下Unit2 Integrated skills 课件

* Unit 2 Neighbours Integrated skills 宜兴市桃溪中学 初一英语备课组 【学习目标】: 1.根据单词表,预习课本第25-26页的单词,能根据音标正确拼读这些单词。 2.听录音完成课本第13-14页A2和A3部分的练习 3.能掌握一些职业和工作场所的名称。 4.能运用正确的语句谈论自己的理想。 一、预习课本,了解本课时的单词,短语或句子。单词听磁带跟读3遍。 1. 经理 n. manager 2.办公室 n. office (办公室职员,上班族 office worker) 3. 警察 n. ______ 复数_________ 4. 邮递员 n _postman 复数 _postmen_ 5. 公司 n. _company_复数_companies 6.局,所,站 n. _station 8.人 _person 警察局 _police station 9.工作 7.邮政 _post_ 邮局 _post office 10.年纪较长的_elder (哥哥 elder brother 姐姐elder sister) ( ) (the police___) 11. 乘火车/公交车/轮船/自行车 by train / by bus / by ship / by bike 12. 将来 n. _______ 13.艺术家,(尤指)画家 _______(艺术___) 一个画家_____________ 14.听起来________ (by+交通工具;此词组中不能出现a/an/the) (sound+adj) (sound like +n) =on the train/ the bus/ the ship/ the bike future (在将来___________) in the future artist art an artist sound 15.生病的;恶心的 _____(病人__________) sick sick people 16.在她学校附近的警察局工作 work in a police station near her school 17.在镇中心的一个饭店工作 18. 为…效力 为一个离她家很远的公司效力 19.我确定你会在电脑方面干得好。 20.打算当个艺术家 work in a restaurant in the town centre work for… work for a company far away from her home I’m sure you’ll be good at computer. be sure (that)+从句 be going to be an artist 21.我想帮助病人。 23.……怎么样?/ 24.将来你打算干什么? 25.她总是很忙。 I want to help sick people. That sounds like a good idea. What about sth? / What about doing sth? What about being a computer engineer? 22.那听起来像个好主意。 当个电脑工程师怎么样? What are you going to be in the future? She is always busy. ( be busy ; in a busy street ; be busy with sth ; be busy doing sth) 做某事怎么样? postman office worker manager policeman company restaurant police station post office postman policeman manager engineer in a police station in a restaurant in the town centre in a company far away from Wendy’s home in a post office policeman police station at night restaurant manager post office postman by bike office worker company 1. I want to help sick


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