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* Do you think we only use words to communicate? People do not only use words, they also use body langusge or gestures. Some gestures are common. This means that people from any culture can understand them. For example, pointing at something or someone means, “that one” or “that person.” This may not always be polite, but everyone can understand it. 你认为我们只用言语交流吗? 人们不仅只用言语,他们也用肢体语言和手势。 一些手势是常见的。 这就意味着来自任何文化的人都能理解它们(的意思)。 例如,指着某物或某人,意思是“那个”或者“那人”。 这也许并不总是那么有礼貌,但是大家都明白它的意思。 Another gesture,“come here,” is understood around the world, however, it is not done the same way in every country. In America, they hold their hand out with their palm up and move their index finger back and forth. You should not use this gesture in China, however. It is not used for people, but used for animals. Chinese call people with their palm down. 另一个手势“到这儿来”,世界各地的人都明白,然而,在每一个国家 它并非都用同样的方式表示。 在美国,他们伸出手,手掌向上,并且来回地移动手指。 然而,你不能在中国用这种手势。 它不是用于人,而是用于动物。 中国人招呼别人时手掌向下。 Similar gestures are used in different cultures, but t hey mean different things. In America, they hold two fingers up to make a “V.” This can mean either “peace” or “victory.” In England, however, if you make a “V” with your fingers showing the back of your hand, it is very impolite! The other person might want to fight with you. 相似的手势在不同的文化中表示不同的意思。 在美国,他们向上伸出两根手指,组成一个“v”字型。 这个意思是“和平”或者“胜利”。 然而,在英国,如果你手背向外,用手指组成 一个“v”字型,那是非常不礼貌的! 另一个人也许想和你打架。 Head shaking is accepted differently in different cultures. In many countries, if you shake your head from side to side to side, it means “no,” but in Saudi Arabia, this means “yes.” 摇头在不同文化中表示的意思也不同。 在许多国家,如果你把头从一边摇向另一边, 他的意思是“不”,但是在沙特阿拉伯, 它表示“是”。 A Choose the best answers. What is the main idea of this story? a) Learning about another culture. b) Going to new countries. c) Understanding different gestures. d) Communicating by words. 2. In some cultures, pointing at someone can be ______. a) impolite b) funny c


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