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6502汇编语言程序设计(2版)之程序设计part2 6502 assembly language program design returns The second part, instruction and algorithm Return topic I. simple search In memory to find data we used absolute X index or absolute Y index instruction (LDA label, X or LDA label, y X+1, X) by order to search forward (or X-1, X backward search). For example: character judgment $ whether in a string stringM string defined region to 0 for the end. StringM: DB 0123456789ABCDEFabcdefHh$ox DB +-*/%^#, 0 Chardef: DB $ Start: LDA chardef LDX #$00 Start02: CMP, stringM, X BEQ start04; locate the branch exit, and (X) where the $stringM label is located INX Bne start02 CLC; the settings did not find a flag. When X was added from 0 to FF, it went back to 0 RTS Start04: Sec; setting the find flag RTS This method is to find a simple, very good design, but its search scope shall not exceed the offset address of a byte of data contained in the X register, otherwise it is necessary to adjust the base value to find. Procedure becomes more complex. Here is a pointer to the method to search. Pay attention to the instruction LDA (zeropage, x) and LDA (zeropage), y zeropage zero page unit address. In the search process, the use of LDA (zeropage, x) if X is zero, then the unit zeropage and zeropage+1 constitute an access pointer, an address pointing to the program, two bytes just access to $0000--$FFFF, we can make the program (zeropage+1|zeropage), +1 (zeropage+1|zeropage) to access the next address, which based on the zeropage and zeropage+1 two unit content by rewriting can be achieved on different address access. (zeropage+1 represents one unit, zeropage such as: zeropage $d1 zeropage+1 $d2 unit, said unit) The command (zeropage+1|zeropage) +1 program is as follows: P_add: Inc zeropage Bne p_add02; not added to 0 Inc zeropage+1; indicates that the pointer low is added from 0 to FF, and the pointer height is increased by one P_add02: RTS Example: find whether a character defined in a cell is in a character set,


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