剑桥国际英语教程interchange 2b unit10(完整版).ppt

剑桥国际英语教程interchange 2b unit10(完整版).ppt

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Thank you! Unit 10 I dont like working on weekends! Made by : June Part one: Lead-in P67 8 Word Power : Personality traits(Character) Descibe these peoples personal traits: aggressive,mighty,efficient, independent,creative, critical, level-headed,bossy hardworking, virtuous [v?:t???s], understanding,frank, friendly, sweet-tempered brave,active,energetic, purposeful,alert, humorous, out-going, sociable, helpful,bad-tempered A Which of these adjectives are positive (P)? Which are negative(N)? bad-tempered creative critical disorganized efficient forgetful generous hardworking impatient level-headed moody punctual reliable strict B Pair work Tell your partner about people you know with these personality traits and how about yourself My neighbor is bad-tempered. Sometimes she... C Listen to four conversations. Then check the adjective that best describes each person. Tips: 1.lighten up: make lighter or brighter out of: from 2.co-worker: colleague 3.kind of: a little in a good mood; in a terrible mood 4. be fed up with : be tired of get upset: get annoyed Ans:1. serious 2.generous 3.moody 4.bad tempered Part two:P69 Reading Find the job thats right for you! Best Jobs based on personality types The realistic type: practical, likes working with machines and tools Jobs: restaurant cook, bus driver, mechanic [m?k?n?k] , engineer The investigative type: curious, likes to learn, analyze, situations, and solve problems. Jobs: veterinarian [?vet?r??ne?ri?n] , pharmacist, detective,systems analyst The artistic type: imaginative, likes to express himself of herself by creating art. Jobs: clothing designer, architect, interior decorator, novelist The social type: friendly, likes helping or training other people. Jobs:high school coach, child- care worker, counselor, teacher The enterprising type: outgoing, likes to persuade or lead other people and make decisions Jobs: flight attendant, lawyer, business manager, salesperson The con


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