公开课 - unit5 Canada.ppt

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公开课 - unit5 Canada

What is the Canadian leader called? President Prime Minister Governer King What is the national animal of Canada? B. Beaver Grizzly bear C. D. Polar bear Penguin * Unit 5 Canada——”The True North” What is the capital of Canada? A. B. Vancouver Toronto C. Q D. Calgary Ottawa Which is the national flag of Canada? A. B. C. Q D. A TRIP ON “ THE TRUE NORTH” Reading Fast reading 1.What is “The True North”? 2. What is the route about the trip in Canada? “The True North” is the train that goes across Canada. China Rocky Mountains Lake Superior Toronto Vancouver Calgary Thunder Bay Fast reading _____ and her cousin ______ who where first by______ , then by______ how why brief introduction about the trip to __________________ Montreal, Canada Part1 Read the 1st para and finish the chart below plane train. Li Daiyu Liu Qian visit their cousins Careful reading 1. _____________ 2._________________ population Canada distance ____________ (from coast to coast) Going eastward, you’ll pass 1.______________ 3.______________________ Vancouver the warmest part the most beautiful city 3. _______________ _______________ increases rapidly. 5.climate_________ 4. ____________ ______________ wet trees extremely tall mountains wide rivers large cities 2. ____________ scenery 5,500 kilometres beautiful forests one of Canada’s most popular cities lakes forests Part2(para2)-- listening oldest most Find out a sentence in the passage to describe what you see Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbour make popular cities to live in.


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