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Unit 1 It is absurd that women should be paid unequally. A human’s eyesight is not as acute as that of an eagle. The suspect alleged(宣称)that he had not been in the neighborhood at the time of the crime. All the citizens must comply with(遵守,照做) the law. The presidential candidate consolidated(合并,巩固) his position by winning several primary elections(初选). The crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined. / I declined(拒绝) their offer of help. A ditch(壕沟) diverted(释放) water from the stream into the fields. A loud noise diverted(转移)my attention. The publication(出版)of his most recent works will certainly enhance his international reputation. The ties that bind(结合、约束)us together are so feeble that they can disappear at any moment. In spite of the gloomy(黑暗的)economic forecasts, manufacturing output(输出、产量)has risen slightly. Fierce storm hampered(阻碍) the rescue team from finding more survivors. The parents indulge(纵容、放任)their children too much. We hope to inject new life into our business. The disagreement could seriously jeopardize(危害) relations between the two countries. In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is luxury. The treasurer(会计)was arrested for trying to manipulate(操纵)the company’s financial records. Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very obscure(模糊的、晦涩的). I need to make some orientation(定位、适应) before I start my new job. I’m perplexed(困惑的) for an answer for his proposal. / Don’t perplex the issue. The doctor prescribed radiotherapy for him. Everyone will shrink(畏缩) from making such a sacrifice. / The dress shrank(缩小)when I washed it. This event was almost simultaneous(同时的)with that one. The economic crises in that country have threatened(威胁)the stability(稳定性) of the government. The secretary is my immediate subordinate(下属). / The minority is subordinate(服从) to the majority. Wouldn’t it be wiser to subscribe(订阅、捐款、赞成、签署) to a newspaper than to buy it daily? Local government leaders are making every effort


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