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英语写作讲解;高考作文类型:;影响高考英语书面表达得分的几个因素 1.语篇信息是否完整 2.行文是否连贯流畅,语言是否得体。 3.是否使用高级词汇 4.是否使用复杂句 5 .卷面整洁,书写工整;; 现在正是春暖花开的春游时节。你校学生以“高三学生要不要参加春游活动”展开了讨论。请根据以下讨论结果,写一篇短文。;;Can you list the outline of the writing?;The outline of the writing:;Key words: 1.introduction(topic): 高三学生(senior 3 students) 春游(go spring outing) 讨论(discussion) 2.body(supporting ideas): 接触自然(be close to nature) 呼吸新鲜空气( breathe some fresh air ) 精神放松(relax themselves ) 大脑休息(rest their brains ) 高考临近( with college entrance examination drawing near ) 没心情玩(don’t feel like going ) 耽误学习(waste the time) 3.conclusion: in my opinion…;;主题句的内容要明确具体,语言简洁,开门见山,句式力争多样性;巧用过渡句,过渡词,理顺文章的关系;The body part ;Reason1:接触大自然,呼吸新鲜空气,有利健康;Reason 2:活动是精神放松,大脑休息,有利于学习 ;Conclusion: 小段总结,进一步亮明观点,前后呼应。;Point 2:35%的学生认为不应该春游(亮明观点) 注意:使用过渡句,自然衔接句子和段落(承上启下) Sentence pattern: However, others prefer to… Some others have just the opposite opinion….. On the other hand…. Eg: On the other hand, about 35% students are against the idea.;Reason 1:高考临近,没有心情玩 Sentence pattern: They say/believe/hold the opinion… that…. Eg: They say that with college entrance examination drawing near, they don’t feel like going anywhere. ;Reason 2:春游耽误学习 (注意:两个观点之间的连接) Eg:Besides, they think going spring outing will take at least a day off. They can’t afford the time. They think they should fix their attention on their studies ; Whether or not should Senior 3 students go spring outing? We have had a heated discussion. Opinions are divided on the question.  Most students, about 65%, are for the idea that Senior 3 students should go spring outing. They think it good for their health to be close to nature and breathe some fresh air and what’s more, they can relax themselves for a while and rest their brains so that they will be more energetic. They think it will do good to their students. On the other hand, about 35% students are against the idea. They say that with college entrance examination drawing near, they don’t feel like going anywhere. Besid



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