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动物词汇 Animal Words 动物词汇 Animal Words 动物词汇 Animal Words 动物词汇 Animal Words 动物词汇 Animal Words Favorite Animals: Chinese: Crane, Cat, Rabbit, Ox, Horse, Panda, Swan, Peacock, Gold Fish, Birds English: Dog, Cat, Horse, Birds, Sheep 动物词汇 Animal Words Some English Expressions: as surly as a bull (公牛) as fat as an ox as strong as a horse as happy as a lark (百灵鸟) as merry as a cricket (蟋蟀) as dumb as an oyster (蚝) 动物词汇 Animal Words Some English Expressions: as regal/majestic as a lion as sly as a fox as slippery as a eel (鳗鲤,或loach泥鳅) as blind as a bat as eager as a beaver (海狸) 动物词汇 Animal Words Some English Expressions: as busy as a bee as stubborn as a mule as timid as a hare as hungry as a bear as poor as a church mouse 动物词汇 Animal Words Some English Expressions: as wet as a drowned rat: 浑身湿透; 犹如落汤鸡 as ugly as a toad: very ugly 难看极了;像个丑八怪 as tricky as a monkey: 像猴子一样诡计多端;极端狡猾 as slow as a snail/tortoise as mute as a mouse 非常安静 as silly/stupid as a goose 动物词汇 Animal Words Some English Expressions: as sick as a dog: 非常关切,深深担心,非常沮丧或消沉; 大量呕吐 as red as a lobster as nimble as a squirrel 非常敏捷 as timid as a dove/lamb非常温和 As greedy as a wolf 动物词汇 Animal Words Some English Expressions: as graceful as a swan: - as fit as a flea 健康 有活力 as red as a lobster as fat as a pig as fierce as a tiger As dead as a dodo: out of fashion 动物词汇 Animal Words Some English Expressions: as light as a butterfly 轻浮 - as wise as an owl as sleet as a deer敏捷如鹿 as solemn as an owl as black as a crow as bald as a coot(水鸭,秃翁) 十二生肖动物英语习语 Rat -- smell a rat 觉得可疑 -- the rat race 激烈的竞争 -- play cat and mouse with sb. 欲擒故纵,(像猫抓耗子似地)欺负(折磨、虐待)某人 Ox -- a bull in a china shop 经常闯祸的人,笨手笨脚的人 -- take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险 -- like a red rag to a bull 使愤怒 -- till the cows come home 永远地,无限期地 -- kill the fatted calf 热情款待,设宴欢迎 Tiger paper tiger 貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人 hunt with the hounds and run with the hare 同时支持相对立的两派, 脚踩两只船 How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger‘s lair?


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