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1.Key words: loud,board,awake,musician, perhaps,knock,spread,neck,humorous等 2.Sentences: When spring came, flowers blossomed and the birds began to sing across the land. He thought it must be the king’s musicians passing by. Let’s review. Thank you 学习目标 1.能认读单词和词组: loud,board,awake,musician, perhaps,knock,spread,neck, humorous等。 2.学习句型: When spring came, flowers blossomed and the birds began to sing across the land. He thought it must be the king’s musicians passing by. Teacher: Alice Lesson 22~Lesson 24 loud adj.大声的,喧哗的 “What are you doing here?” the giant cried in a loud voice. 巨人用最大的声音大喊到:“你正在这做什么呢?” loudly adv.大声地 loudly speak?高声而言 ? New words board n.板,木板 The next day, the giant built a high wall around his garden and put a notice on a board: DO NOT ENTER! 第二天,巨人在他花园的四周建了一堵高墙并且在木板上放上了公告:禁止入内! blackboard 黑板 相似词broad adj.宽的;辽阔的 His shoulders were broad. 他的肩膀很宽。 New words awake adj.醒着的 One morning as the giant was lying awake in his bed, he heard lovely music coming through the window. 一天早上当巨人躺在床上醒来的时候,他透过窗户听到了好听的音乐。 反义词asleep adj.睡着的 My four-year-old daughter was asleep on the sofa. 我4岁的女儿在沙发上睡着了。 New words musician n.音乐家,乐师 He thought it must be the king’s musicians passing by. 他想一定是国王的乐师经过这里。 music n. 音乐;乐曲 pop music?流行音乐;流行; 流行乐;流行歌曲 He went on to study music. 他想去学习音乐。 New words I?do not?think much?of?her?as?a?___. A. music B. musician C. musical D.pop music 正确答案是:B 她作为一名音乐家,我认为不怎么样。 课堂练习 perhaps adv.也许;可能 “Perhaps spring has come at last,” “最终可能春天来了。” New words knock v.敲;敲打;碰撞 I will knock down the wall! 我击倒那堵墙。 knock down 击倒 New words spread v.张开;展开 spread ;spread He was trying to reach up to the spreading branches of a tree. 他试图去够到大树张开的树枝。 New words neck n.颈,脖子 The little boy stretched out with his arms, put them around the giant’s neck and kissed him. 小男孩伸出他的胳膊,搂住巨人的脖子去亲吻他。 necklace n. 项链 New


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