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在赤峰市克什克腾旗达尔罕境内的达来诺尔湖西畔,有一处曾经繁华过的草原都市,那就是元朝最后的都城———应昌路遗址。残阳照耀下的古老的城垣,清晰可辨的层层夯土犹如历史的年轮,叠压着蒙古帝国最后走向灭亡的沧桑。In the western side of Dalai Noel Lake within Hexigten Abraham, Chi Feng, Inner Mongolia lies a prairie city of once prosperity---relics of City of Ying Chang, the last capital of Yuan Dynasty. Embraced by the twilight, the observable stratums of rammed earth of the ancient city are just like the aging circle of history, piling up the destination of the Mongolian Empire’s domed extinction. 古城的东、西、北三面为群山环抱,好来河由西向东注入达里诺尔湖。应昌路古城的东北就是金朝的界壕边堡,亦被当地的牧民称之为成吉思汗边墙。周围的山峦属于阴山山脉的东麓和大兴安岭南麓山脉的结合部,可谓山峦起伏,且在山地之间多湖泊与山地草原。应昌路古城所处的地理形势,犹如簸箕型,其开口南面向好来河方向为山地松林地带,古称松漠之地或称平地松林。唐朝曾经于此地建有“松漠都督府”,辽朝属于上京道饶乐州辖境,金朝隶属于北京路的全州管辖。达里诺尔又称鱼儿泊,曾经是匈奴的左地和东胡族行使拜天祭山的“足带林”之地。辽、金、元三朝皇帝亦经常行猎于此,并修建有行宫之所。 The city is surrounded by mountains in the east, west and north side, with the Haolai River flowing into the Dalai Noel Lake from west to east. The northerneast of the city of Ying Chang stands the border fortress of Jin Dynasty, which is named The Fortress of Genghis Khan by the local herdsmen. The mountains around are combinations of eastern piedmont of Yin Mountain and southern piedmont of the Great Khingan, forming a mountainous landscape with many lakes and meadows. The location of the city of Ying Chang is similar to a huge dustpan whose “mouth” in south flows the Haolai River, where grows a land of mountain pines which was once called the land of pines or pines on the ground. In Tang Dynasty, this place was the prefecture of “Military of Pines” while in Liao Dynasty, it was administrated by Shangjing, however, it was governed by Beijing Road of Quan county during Jin Dynasty. Fishpond is another name of Dalai Noel which was once the woodland where Zuodi of Huns people and Donghu nation perform the worships of mountains and heaven. Emperors of Liao Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty usually hunted here and they all built their residences. 元代的应昌路又名鲁王城,是元朝塞北的三大名城之一,也是由元大都经元上都通往岭北行省的重要通道,又称“帖里干东道”。这条古道的


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