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考点归纳 感悟高考 针对训练 语法精讲突破二 冠 词 Lei Yuange 2016-9-17 1.(2015·新课标全国Ⅱ)The adobe dwellings(土坯房) built by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even ________ most modern of architects and engineers. 2.(2015·广东)Mr.Johnson lived in the woods with his wife and children.He owned ________ farm,which looked almost abandoned. 3.(2015·湖南)For all your information,you don’t have to go to ________ library to find the relevant resource and take notes on it. [感 悟 高 考] the a the 4.(2015·浙江)Jane’s grandmother had wanted to write ________ children’s book for many years,but one thing or another always got in ________ way. 5.(2015·四川)Brian is gifted in writing music;he is very likely to be ________ Beethoven. 6.(2015·重庆)I just heard ________ bank where Dora works was robbed by ________ gunman wearing a mask. a the a the a 7.(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)Now,years later,this river is one of ________ most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup. 8.(2014·广东)She apologized for the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on ________ top floor. 9.(2014·天津)Life is like ________ ocean:Only the strong-willed can reach the other shore. 10.(2014·重庆)I can’t tell you ________ way to the Wilsons’ because we don’t have ________ Wilson here in the village. the the an the a [考 点 归 纳] 考点一 不定冠词 1.不定冠词有a和an 两种形式。a用在以辅音音素开头的名词前,an用在以元音音素开头的词前。 In a university,a European and a one-eyed man walked along a one-way road with a useful tool in their hands. This is a usual thing. 在一所大学里,一个欧洲人和一个一只眼的人手里拿着一件有用的工具沿着一条单行道走着。这是一件平常之事。 An hour ago,an honest man accepted an unusual gift and went to finish an honorable task. 一小时前,一个诚实的人接受了一件非同寻常的礼物,去完成一项光荣的任务。 2.不定冠词a/an用在单数可数名词前表示泛指,泛指某一人或某一物。 The “Chinese Dream” is a dream to improve people’s well-being and a dream of harmony,peace and development. “中国梦”是一个改善民生的梦,是一个和谐、和平和发展的梦。 3.表示某种身份、职业、地位、国籍。 When the Ashleys tried to make her return,Mumbet consulted a lawyer,Theodore Sedgewick. 当 Ashleys一家试图让她回来时,Mumbet咨询了一个叫西奥多·塞奇威克的律师。 4.用在人名或时间名词前表示不确定的某个人或某个时间



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