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实战演练1(共10处错误) Yesterday, I am walking home after school when an old man fall heavily onto the snow-covered road. A number of people passing by, but no one take action. Some of them said it were none of their business; others worried that if they helped him, they might get into a difficult situation. was fell passed took was See what had been happened, I called 120 immediately. While waiting for the ambulance, I took off my coat keep the old man warm. In no time an ambulance came. After helped the doctors carried him into the ambulance, I felt relieved. Seeing helping carry to 实战演练2 Once, there _____ (be) a goat and a donkey that lived on the farm. The donkey worked the hardest so the farmer ______ (feed) it the most. sometimes, the donkey __________ (give) more food than it could eat. This made the goat so jealous that it began plotting against the donkey. “Hey, donkey,” the goat said one day. “I think you ____ (do) too much work on this farm. You carry such heavy things from morning to night. Why don’t you pretend ______ ( get) was fed was given do to get sick so you can take a day off? ” The donkey thought the goat had a good idea. So the next morning, the donkey _____ (lie) in the stable on its side with its eyes ________ (close). Right away, the farmer called the doctor. After _______ (look) at the donkey, the doctor said it needed a special medicine _________ (make) from the heart of a goat. So the farmer killed his goat and ______ (give) the donkey medicine made from its heart. lay closed looking made gave * * * * * * Sixteenth years ago, I ____ only a little baby in mother’s arms, but now I __ a Senior 3 student. In the near future, I ________ in a big computer company, ______ my favorite work. Since middle school, I __________________ becoming a program designer. ________________ my dream, I make great effort to gain more knowledge and make great progress in my study. In the morning I often ______ early and ____


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