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Unit15 Reading * incurable plague global warming atmosphere emission greenhouse gases fossil fuels flood and drought hurricane EI Nions 厄尔尼诺现象(EL Ninos) 厄尔尼诺是一种发生在海洋中的现象,其显著特征是赤道太平洋东部和中部海域海水出现异常的增温现象。它是海洋和大气相互作用不稳定状态下的结果。由于这种现象经常发生在年末圣诞节前后,所以当地人称为“圣婴”(厄尔尼诺)。厄尔尼诺现象发生时,由于水温高,浮游生物减少,鱼得不到食物而大量死亡,所以以鱼为生的海鸟也将死亡或迁徙。由于厄尔尼诺现象给全球带来巨大的灾难,因此,这种现象已成为当今气象和海洋界研究的重要课题。 Look at the pictures and the title then guess what will be discussed in the passage? Para. Four Cause of global warming Para. Three Whose business Para. Two Possible results of global warming Para. One Actions to be taken paragraph Subtitle Para. Four Cause of global warming Para. Three Whose business Para. Two Possible results of global warming Para. One Actions to be taken paragraph Subtitle 1. According to the author, the greatest disaster(s) on earth may be__________. A. another world war B. incurable plague C. global warming D. A, B and C 2. The word “ across ” in this passage can be replaced by _____. A. crossing B. over C. going through D. all 3. __________has directly caused global warming. A. EL Ninos B. Man C. Greenhouse gases into the atmosphere D. Fossil fuels 4. The author suggests that all, men or women, old or young, can _______ for the environment. A. work in government B. serve in industry C. serve communities D. do something Government Whose business To curb the use of fossil fuels. Actions to be taken Low-lying nations could be flooded. Possible results of global warming Cause of global warming For decades human factories …….. atmosphere. Rain and drought patterns across the world could change. Hurricanes could become more frequent. EI Nions could become more intense. To use the technologies that reduce the amount of emissions wherever possible. To protect the forests in the world. To mitigate the impact of global warming through


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