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Today let’t began to know the Famous Woman .....;BBB;比利时王宫-布鲁塞尔;比利时王宫大门;Garden;The Beginning of drifting ;Her footprints had ever printed here...; David Neal in France, and even the whole western, Eastern scholars is known as the “female hero”. Her works such as (especially in Tibet and its adjacent area) the adventure, diary, books and abundant information, have been translated into many Western and Japanese, and republiced many times. Her life is full of love and worship of Tibet unlimitedly.She once successively researched Tibet and its surrounding areas five times , also called a “Chi lamp“(智灯).;Works; 1918 July - 1921 February, she lived in Kumbum Monastery, Qinghai and Gannan Li visits Tibetan Buddhist temple, concentrated on the study of buddhism.;Pity; In June 1921, Mrs Nell in their fancy dress, accompanied by son Yong Lama entered Tibets hinterland;In 1928, David Neal showshe from Asia to collect the Buddha, knife, Jin Gang, India Sari bottom Nirvana and other items in her hometown which she collected in Asiain exhibited.The area once was regarded as Potala Palace of france. ; In 1937, Nell went to China again. She had arrived from Brussels to Wutai Mountain in Buddhist shrines in China. She was soon with Yung stopped in Beijing again for academic research, and communicated with Chinese scholars. Then she wrote the novel the passion and magic(《激情与魔法》). At that time Japan launched wars of aggression against China, she wrote of the storm cloud (《暴风雨的乌云下》)and in China‘s vast Western regions and other writings(《在中国辽阔的西部地区》)。;In late 1937, upon learning the 13 Dalai Lama passed away very sad, Nier decided to enter Tibet again,and arrived at“da jian lu”(play arrow furnace) in July 1938 . Due to the current situation, she was forced stranded in the play arrow stove, gardening and growing vegetables. After the end of World War II, she returned to Chengdu,and held talks on Sino-Tibetan relations(汉藏关系). In July


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