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Selecting a Site Cost of Workplace Space Near the center of any business district where land costs are high, costs In certain regions, costs Cost of Labor Salaries within a city tend to be higher than salaries outside the city for a given occupation. Salaries are higher in the North than the South for a given occupation Tax Incentives Increase the employment level Improve economic conditions in the area Source of Demand Access to Transportation Supply of Labor Evaluating Possible Sites When a firm evaluates various sites, it must consider any factors that may affect the desirability of each site, and assign a weight to each factor. Labor-intensive firms pay attention to human resources Chapter 9 Improving Productivity and Quality Learning Goals Identify the key resources used for production. Identify the factors that affect the plant site decision. Describe how various factors affect the design and layout decision. Describe the key tasks that are involved in production control. Describe the key factors that affect production efficiently. Firms are created to produce products or services. Production Management Production Management (also called operations management) is the management of the process in which resources are used to produce products or services. The specific process chosen by a firm to produce its products or services can affect its value. Cell One Company What human resources and other resources are needed to produce its cell phones? At what site should it produce its cell phones? What can it do to control the quality of its production? How can it produce its cell phones more efficiently? Human resources and other resources affect Cell One’s cost of production. The ability to control its production affect quality demand Efficiency reduce its expenses , improving performance The goal


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