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2013年10月16日下午3点你校在学校礼堂举行了成人宣誓仪式。请以日记的方式记录仪式过程并谈谈自己的感想。 主题 成长与责任 参加人员 高三师生,全体学生家长 仪式程序 学生宣誓 学生代表发言(表达谢意,畅谈理想) 教师和家长代表发言(表示祝贺,寄予希望 各班学生表演节目 你的感想 … 参考词汇:成人仪式a grown-up ceremony;宣誓 make an oath 2012年10月17日下午3点你校在学校礼堂举行了成人宣誓仪式。请以日记的方式记录仪式过程并谈谈自己的感想。 主题 成长与责任 参加人员 高三师生,全体学生家长 仪式程序 学生宣誓 学生代表发言(表达谢意,畅谈理想) 教师和家长代表发言(表示祝贺,寄予希望 各班学生表演节目 你的感想 … 参考词汇:成人仪式a grown-up ceremony;宣誓 make an oath 1 5 2 3 4 成长和责任 参加成人仪式 学生代表发言 表达谢意 畅谈理想 表示祝贺 寄予希望 growth and responsibility attend a grown-up ceremony a student representative/on behalf of us made / gave /delivered a speech show thanks to/ express gratitude/gratefulness to talk about great ideals express expectations for congratulate sb on sth/ offer sb congratulations 主题 成长与责任 参加人员 高三师生,全体学生家长 At 3:00 this afternoon, the teachers and students in Senior Three as well as our parents attended the grown-up ceremony held in the school hall, whose theme was “Growth and Responsibility”/with the theme of “G and R”. Not only did all Senior 3 students attend it but also all the students parents and teachers came to witness this significant moment. Excited and thrilled, I attended the grown-up ceremony held in the school hall at 3:00 this afternoon, concerning “Growth and Responsibility”. Never will I forget today when … 仪式程序 学生宣誓 学生代表发言(表达谢意,畅谈理想) 教师和家长代表发言(表示祝贺,寄予希望 各班学生表演节目 First,… and then… It began with… After A did, B did… /After that, it was time for… Later, sb. did… Lastly, sb. did… sb. did…, followed by sth Having made an oath, student representative gave a speech to show his the thanks to parents and teachers as well as his ideals of his life. 仪式程序 学生宣誓 学生代表发言(表达谢意,畅谈理想) 教师和家长代表发言(表示祝贺,寄予希望 各班学生表演节目 First , we made an oath, after which a student, on behalf all of us, made a speech, showing our thanks to not only our parents but also our teachers and talking about our great dreams. Later, the teacher and the parent representatives offered us congratulations and expressed their expectations for our future


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