新Araby 现代派文学.ppt

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新Araby 现代派文学

Araby;Questions : 1 Selected reading (1st-3rd paragraph);Blind ;The North Richmond Street;The priest was indeed a good citizen of Dublin. The priest was also an imaginative person. So he had given his life to both piety and flights of imaginations. The priest is a symbol of vital past, a contrast to the “blind” and paralyzed present. It tells us that the freedom of the Ireland has gone and people then had no passion for a bright future. On the other hand, the priest was also a symbol for religion belief because of his special status. In fact from the analysis before, we know that the priest was a man full of imagination. But in fact, a priest should be conventional. So this imaginative priest indicates Joyce’s doubt of the belief of Catholicism. ;setting ;Questions : 4th-5th paragraph ;每天早晨我都躺在前厅的地板上注视着她的家门。我把百叶窗拉下来, 只留不到一英寸的缝隙, 这样就没人能看到我。她一出来走到门前台阶上, 我的心就猛地一跳。我跑到客厅, 抓起书本, 紧跟在她后面。我的眼睛紧紧锁住这个棕褐色的身影, 当快走到路的分岔口时, 我就加快脚步超过她。每个早晨这一幕都会发生。除了几句日常问候的话, 我没对她说过什么, 可是, 一想到她的名字就像听到一声传唤, 会让我的血液愚蠢地沸腾。;即使在最不适合有浪漫想法的地方, 她的形象也始终陪伴着我??。这些嘈杂的噪音汇合成我对生活的唯一感受: 我想象自己手捧圣餐杯安然地从一群敌人中走过。在我做着莫名的祈祷和赞美时, 她的名字时常会冲口而出。我的双眼时常热泪盈眶( 我却不知原因) , 不时似有一阵热血从我内心喷涌而出, 溢满胸膛。我很少想到将来。我不知道究竟会不会对她倾诉, 或者如果我对她倾诉, 又该如何诉说我迷惑的爱恋? 但是, 我的身体就像一把竖琴, 她的言谈举止就像拨动每根琴弦的手指??透过一扇破损的窗棂, 我听到雨滴砸落在地面上,细密连续的雨珠像跳跃戏耍着的针尖润湿了土床。 ;   Mangan’s sister is the boy’s dream, or his idol. But in the whole novel, the girl’s name hasn’t appeared. Why? Because what “I” know about my dream is only something superficial. My dream is just like the temple in the air, forming in the boy’s mind without any deep thinking or any deep understanding. “I” liked Mangan’s sister just as I liked The Memoirs of Vidocq, a book I found in the priest’s remains---“I liked the last best because its leaves were yellow.”   


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