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东北财经大学;文本挖掘定义;;;Text Mining We discuss text mining as a young and interdisciplinary field in the intersection of the related areas information retrieval, machine learning, statistics, computational linguistics and especially data mining.;;;1;2;3;Definition of Text Mining Text Mining = KDD Process. Text Mining = Information Extraction. Text Mining = Text Data Mining. The application of algorithms and methods from the fields machine learning and statistics to texts with the goal of finding useful patterns. For this purpose it is necessary to pre-process the texts accordingly. Many authors use information extraction methods, natural language processing or some simple preprocessing steps in order to extract data from texts. To the extracted data then data mining algorithms can be applied (see Nahm Mooney (2002); Gaizauskas (2003)).;;;;;Information Extraction (IE);;;;;The idea of stop word filtering is to remove words that bear little or no content information, like articles, conjunctions, prepositions, etc.;To further decrease the number of words that should be used also indexing or keyword selection algorithms can be used (see, e.g. Deerwester et al. (1990); Witten et al. (1999)). In this case, only the selected keywords are used to describe the documents. A simple method for keyword selection is to extract keywords based on their entropy. E.g. for each word t in the vocabulary the entropy as defined by Lochbaum Streeter (1989) can be computed:;Vector Space Model;;;;;;研究背景;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;研究背景;Deep Learning;研究背景;研究背景;Deep Learning;Deep Learning;Deep Learning;研究背景;研究背景;研究背景;研究背景;研究背景;研究背景;研究背景;研究背景;研究背景;研究背景;研究背景;研究背景;;;;;;;;;问题讨论;问题讨论;;THANKS


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