新世界大学英语系列UNIT 6 Perfect Matches.ppt

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新世界大学英语系列UNIT 6 Perfect Matches

Article rot v. (使)变质, (使)腐朽 I regretted what I did rotted my friendship with Tom. 我的所作所为破坏了我和汤姆的友谊,我很后悔。 Dead plants rot and become part of the soil again. 枯死的植物腐烂, 又成为土壤的一部分。 Article characterize vt. 以……为特征;描述或归纳(人或物)的特征 Bright colours characterize his early paintings. 明亮的色彩是他早期绘画的特征。 In her essay, she characterizes the whole era as a period of radical change.在她的文章中,她将整个时代的特征为一描述个急剧变化的阶段。 Article ongoing a. 继续的,前进的 the ongoing debate持续的辩论 The issues raised in the report relate directly to organization’s ongoing work in this area. 报告中提出的问题与这个组织在这方面正在做的工作有直接的关系。 Article over time 随着时间的过去 I expect that over time my skills and ability will develop. 我希望随着时间的过去,我的技术和能力会有进步。 Over time, the ruling of the king filled his people with sadness and anger. 随着时间的过去,国王的统治使他的臣民充满悲伤和愤怒。 Article in the name of 以……的名义 We have booked a room in the name of Mr. Brown. 我们已经以布朗先生的名义订了一间房。 The ruler launched a war against the neighboring country in the name of the people. 统治者以人民的名义对邻国发动了战争。 Article minimize vt. 使减到最少;使减到最低程度 You can minimize the dangers of driving by taking care to obey the rules of the road. 严格遵守交通规则, 你就能把行车危险降到最低点。 He minimized the value of her contribution to his research so that he got all the praise. 他极力贬低她在那项研究中的贡献, 从而独获全部奖励。 Article play out 结束,完成 The best thing is to let the crisis play out by itself. 最好的办法是让危机自己结束。 Article compatible a. 相容的, 协调的 Make sure you are compatible with him before you start sharing a house.在你们合住一所房子之前要确定你和他是否能和睦相处。 The curtains are not compatible with the carpet。窗帘与地毯不相配。 Article incompatible a. 合不来的,不能和谐相处的;不协调的 The two accounts are incompatible. 两份报道并不一致。 His plan is incompatible with my intent. 他的计划与我的意图不相符。 Article by definition 就本身而言;从定义上讲 They agree on most of the issues by definition. 就本身而言他们对大部分问题的观点一致。 By definition, true creativity brings forth something that didn’t exist before. 从定义上讲,真正的创造是指做出以前没有的东西。 Article in contrast 相比之下,与……相反 The beautiful exists in contrast with the ugly. 美的东西和丑的东西相互对比而存在。 In contrast, some other



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