新世界大学英语第三册 Unit 3 Creating an Image.ppt

新世界大学英语第三册 Unit 3 Creating an Image.ppt

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新世界大学英语第三册 Unit 3 Creating an Image

integrity n. 1) 诚实而正直 I have always regarded him as a man of integrity. 我一直认为他是个正直而诚实的人。 2) 完整,完全 None is allowed to challenge the territorial integrity of the country. 绝不允许任何人挑战国家的领土完整。 Article be committed to 致力于 You must be committed to winning in a competitive environment. 在竞争的环境中,你必须全力以赴获取成功。 committed a. 坚定的,尽心尽力的 Motivating your committed supporters is the key to winning the campaign. 发动你的坚定支持者是赢得选举的关键。 Article modesty n. 谦恭 He is well-known not for?his wealth and accomplishment but for his modesty. 他出名不是因为财富和成就,而是因为他的谦恭。 modest a. 1) 谦虚的,谦逊的 The young actress is very modest about her success. 这位年轻的女演员对自己的成功很谦虚。 2) 适度的,价值不高的 A one-night stay in a modest hotel costs around £35. 在普通的旅店里过一夜要花费约35英镑。 Article keep on top of 1) 持续地完全控制 Work tends to pile up if you don’t keep on top of it. 如果你控制不好的话,工作就会堆积如山。 2) 及时了解(最新进展等) I frequently read news online to keep on top of what’s happening around the world. 我经常在网上看新闻,以及时了解世界各地正在发生哪些事情。 Article demonstrative a. 1) 用于证明的 The recent exhibition is demonstrative of many problems in our city. 最近的这次展览说明了本市存在的许多问题。 2) 公开表露感情的,感情外露的 They came from the English tradition of not being demonstrative. 他们继承了英国人轻易不表露感情的传统。 Article citizenship n. 公民身份(或义务) After 15 years in the USA, he has finally decided to apply for American citizenship. 在美国生活了十五年之后,他终于决定申请美国公民身份。 citizen n. 公民 The life of ordinary citizens began to change. 普通老百姓的生活开始发生变化。 civil a. 公民的,国民的 People in this country suffered a lot during the 15 years of civil war. 那个国家的人民在十五年的内战中承受了巨大的痛苦。 Article recount vt. 详细叙述 He recounted the story of the interview for his first job. 他详细叙述了自己第一份工作面试时的情形。 Article executive n. 主管,经理 Her husband is a senior bank executive and earns good money. 她丈夫是银行高级主管,收入不错。 a. 执行的,管理的 Great executive ability is the key to converting company strategies into actions. 强大的执行力是将公司战略转化为行动的关键。 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 执行总裁,首席执行官 Article button up 1) 顺利完成 They buttoned up the work before the



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