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21. Switch the controls on the auxiliary blowers(鼓风机) to the automatic position and start the fuel booster(增压) pump. 将辅助风机控制开关转至自动位置, 起动燃油增压泵。 22. Inform bridge that engine room would like to turn engine(转车) over slowly on air. 通知驾驶台, 机舱准备缓慢转车。 On engine with bridge control the control selector(控制选择开关) must be turned to the desired position. 若柴油机由驾驶台操控, 则控制选择开关至指定位置。 23. Start the engine on air briefly(冲车) on both direction and then close all indicator cocks. 进行正倒车冲车, 之后关闭示功旋塞。 24. Finally, before ‘stand-by’ is rung on the engine telegraph, it is usually to give the main diesel engine a brief trial on power(试车) ahead and astern. 最后, 在“备车”车令给出前, 通常对主机进行正倒车试车。 * instructions(指示,指令) * sludge(沉积物) * purified(净化,过滤) auxiliaries(辅助机械) console(控制台) * operational(能运行的,可操作的) rectify [简明英汉词典] vt.改正;校正;纠正 * Bring into operation(使…投入工作) * Through 从头到尾, 自始至终 extend(延伸,扩大) * obstructions(阻塞, 妨碍, 障碍物) * uniformly(均匀地,一致地) * hoppers(观察窗) * erosion [简明英汉词典] n.腐蚀, 侵蚀 * indicator cocks(示功考克) * glands(密封压盖) * linkage(连接装置) * rung on the engine telegraph(回车钟令) PREPARATION FOR STAND-BY 1.When instructions (指令) have been received that the main engine is to be prepared for running, the following procedure(程序) for any make of marine diesel engine should be followed(遵循): 2. Check that the fuel, lubricating oil and cooling water are at working level and drain(放残) any water or sludge from all lubricating oil and fuel tanks. The purified fuel tanks to be raised to the required temperature. Switch on the power to various auxiliaries and to the control console(控制台). 3. Check that all valves in the various systems are operational and check the jacket water and lubricating pumps. Any leaks to be rectified(修复) immediately(立即instant). 4. Start up jacket water pumps and check pressures. Bring into operation the heating system of the cooling water. The temperature of the cooling water returns from the jackets, liners and pistons should be raised gradually(逐渐的) to 60℃(140℉). The warming



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