新版新视野第三册ppt课件unit 1.ppt

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新版新视野第三册ppt课件unit 1

* * drain vt. 1. make sb. feel very tired 使筋疲力尽;使疲劳 She felt completely drained after the stressful meeting. 开了这么个充满压力的会议后,她感到完全筋疲力尽了。 2. let water or liquid flow away from sth. 使排走;使流出 The whole area will have to be drained before it can be used for farming. 整块地在用来种庄稼之前得先把水排干。 exhaust vt. make sb. extremely tired 使精疲力竭 She was exhausted by running up the steep hill. 一路冲上这陡峭的小山,她已经精疲力竭了。 exhausted a. extremely tired 疲惫不堪的 The exhausted skiers are looking forward to a good nights sleep. 筋疲力尽的滑雪者盼望着晚上能睡个好觉。 customary a. usual in a particular place or for a particular person 惯常的;习惯的 In the Spring Festival it is customary for parents to give their kids some money. 春节时,父母习惯给孩子一点钱。 sweatshirt n. [C] 长袖运动衫 One of them was wearing a sweatshirt with I love you written across it. 他们当中有一个人穿了件长袖运动衫,上面写着“我爱你”的字样。 leather n. [U] animal skin which has been specially treated 皮;皮革 a leather coat 皮大衣 The inside of the bag was lined with soft leather. 袋子里面衬有软皮。 knit vt. make sth. with wool using long needles or a special machine 编织 I‘m knitting a sweater for my nephew. 我在给我外甥织套衫。 cowboy n. [C] 牛仔 He had been working as a cowboy on a ranch. 他以前是在牧场工作的牛仔。 costume n. [C, U] clothes typical of a certain period, country, or profession, esp. as worn in plays 服装;戏装 a costume drama 古装戏 They are all dressed in national costume. 他们都穿着民族服装。 ceremony n. [C] a formal public or religious event 仪式;典礼 A ceremony is held every year to remember those who died in the war. 仪式每年举行一次,以纪念在战争中牺牲的人们。 restrain vt. prevent sb. or oneself from doing sth. 克制;抑制 She couldn‘t restrain her tears. 她禁不住流下了眼泪。 erect a. standing straight up; upright 直立的,竖直的 Her head was erect and her back was straight. 她仰着头,挺着腰。 vt. build sth. such as a building or bridge 建造;架设 Officials plan to erect a monument in the late general‘s honor. 官方计划建座纪念碑来纪念已故的将军。 index n. [C] an alphabetical list at the back of a book, of nam



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