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Articles 1. the Indefinite Article the Definite Article the Zero Article A. The Indefinite Article: a / an a. “a / an”---any one in a group b. pronunciation: /?/, /?n/; /ei/, /?n/ c. to be used before a singular countable noun B. The Definite Article: the a. “the” --- “this”, “that” b. pronunciation: /e?/, /ei/; /ei:/ c. to be used before SN / PN / UN C. The Zero Article a. to be used before uncountable nouns, plural countable nouns. 2. The references of “a / an” A. generic reference 类指用法 a. a group of people or objects eg. A microscope is an instrument for examining very small objects. A child needs love. An owl can see in the dark. b. a certain one in a group eg. May I have an apple, please? She is a Canadian. B. specific reference 特指用法 (indefinite specific reference) eg. I met an old man on my way home. A car is waiting at the gate. A book I want has been acquired by the library. C. quantitative reference 指量用法 a . “one” eg. I’ll be back in a day or two. It’s a foot long, an inch thick. b. “every” eg. We have grammar lessons once a week. Take the medicine three times a day. c. “same” eg. Things of a kind come together, so do people of a mind. Christine and I are nearly of an age. Carry them three at a time. “a” vs. “one” I got a ticket for the concert. I only want one ticket. You’ve given me two. It will take more than a year to build the power station. It will take more than one year to build the power station. The thing will collapse at a blow. The thing will collapse at one blow. 3. The references of “the” A. specific reference ① a / some specific person(s) / thing(s) eg. Put the parcel on the table. Shut the door, please. ② sb. / sth. previously mentioned eg. He ordered a book some time ago. The book has now arrived. ③ before a noun with a limiting attribute eg. The aeroplane the children were watching was a jet. Don’t spank him. That’s not the way to educate a


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