新编实用英语2第四版Unit four hotel service.ppt

新编实用英语2第四版Unit four hotel service.ppt

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新编实用英语2第四版Unit four hotel service

Language Points 2 Important Words 7. resort n. place visited for holidays 度假地 e.g. The cafe happened to be a favorite resort of artists and writers. Hawaii is an excellent tourist resort. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 8. relax v. to become less anxious, rest from work 放松 e.g. You should grasp any chance to relax. Relax and enjoy yourself on your trip. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 9. overlook v. to ignore or disregard 忽视,忽略 e.g. They overlooked the fact that the caves were on the other side. I decided to overlook his unkindness to me. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 10. share v. to have, use or experience jointly with others 分享 e.g. The children were being taught to share. In the company we all share the decision making. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 11. standard n. a level of quality of achievement 水平 e.g. Networking Standard promises clear picture. By what standard do you measure it? Back Language Points 2 Important Words 12. critical a. very important in terms of success or failure 关键的 e.g. The twelve weeks of summer were critical to most of restaurants and pubs. The problems of food supplies are bound to be critical. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 13. overall a. ad., including everything, taken as a whole 包括一切的,全面的,整体的 e.g. What is the overall land planning? Overall, prices are still rising. Back Read and Judge 7 Are the following statements true or false according to the passage? Write T / F accordingly. 1) The hotel mentioned in the passage tried to know customers’ opinions on every service it provided. 2) The author’s friend didn’t like to complete the hotel survey because he thought it was unnecessary. 3) The author was sure that the hotel survey he suggested was simpler for customers to complete. 4) The hotel atmosphere created by the decor can set the tone for the entire guests’ experience. 5) It is obvious that


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