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Unit Seven The Joy of Travel Unit Seven Task 1: Reasons for travel means of transportation Task 2: Landscapes Task 3: Traveling experience Task 4: Tour guide In-Class Reading Transformative Travel 名词性从句翻译(2) 表语从句的翻译 同位语从句的翻译 写作实践: The Ecological Crisis on the Booming Tourism 相关链接 I was not running away from something but to something. to think clearly about where I am headed 我并不是在逃避现实,而是在追求未来。 考虑清楚自己将何去何从 I expected that big things are on the horizon. 我期待重大的事情将会来临。 This reinforced the idea that …. 这进一步坚定了我的想法。 名词性从句翻译(2) 英语名词性从句除了主语从句、宾语从句之外,还有表语从句和同位语从句。在翻译此类从句时,多采用直译法,也可采用分译法。需要注意的是,在翻译名词性从句时,应首先确定从句属于何种名词性从句。 (一)表语从句的翻译 表语从句一般在系动词后出现,翻译成汉语时可以按照原文顺序进行翻译。 常见句型结构: 主语+is / seems / sounds / feels that / what / why / where / as …,一般采用直译法。 The only method is that we have forever to keep it in mind. 唯一方法是我们应当永远将此牢记。(直译法) What’s troubling the father most is that his son seems not to have any great expectation. 最让父亲苦恼的莫过于他儿子看起来没有远大前程。(直译法) (二)同位语从句的翻译 在翻译名词性从句时,很容易将同位语从句与定语从句混淆。一般而言,同位语从句多出现在以下词汇后:fact, belief, evidence, reason, idea, claim, suggestion, theory, proof, doubt, news, thought等。 在翻译同位语从句时,可采用以下三种方法: 采用直译法; 采用增词法,增加“即”或“那就是”,或用冒号、破折号分开。 在有些情况下,同位语从句可以提前; Isn’t it another evidence that the so-called world peace is just empty talk? 难道这不是再次证明所谓的世界和平只不过是句空话吗? 1. 采用直译法,同时为了保证译文更符合汉语表达习惯,可以适当增词,从而使译文通顺流畅 The foreign travelers marveled at the fact that China has achieved such great developments within so short a time. 中国在如此短暂的时间里获得如此巨大的发展,这一事实令外国游客感到惊讶。(前置法) 2.在有些情况下,同位语从句可以提前 Then arose the question who, among all these candidates, is qualified for the job? 问题随之出现:在所有这些候选人中,谁能胜任这项工作? 3.采用增词法,增加“即”或“那就是”,或用冒号、破折号分开 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: The Ecological Crisis on the Booming Tourism. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given


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