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6他深深地陷入反对校董会的密谋之中 He was inextricably embedded in the plot against the school board 7我年迈的叔祖母很不习惯那些充斥市场的一次性物品 My great-aunt is not used to the disposable/throw-away goods which flood the market 8他在考试中作弊被发现后,他的名字马上从应试者的名单上删去了 His name was immediately eliminated from the list of candidates after he was caught cheating in the exam * Language Points matter to / for: to be important to Does it matter to you what people say? My health matters more to my doctor than to my family. Language Points Texture: degree of roughness or smoothness, coarseness or fineness of a material coarse / fine / light texture clothes of loose / close texture be of fine texture Language Points iridescent: adj. showing colors like those of the rainbow; changing color as light falls from different directions; glister: reflected light luminous: reflected stars gleaming: reflected sunlight. e.g., the skyscraper’s gleaming wall of glass glisten(v.): (a) shine or sparkle, usually because it is smooth, wet, or oily. e.g. His face glistened with sweat. …gold sovereigns glistening in the sunlight glistening lips (b) (of eyes) be bright and express a particular emotion e.g. His eyes glisten with contempt. staggering: stunning, wondrous, breathtaking Profits have shot up by a staggering 25%. 利润惊人地攀升了25%。 The public response was absolutely staggering. 公众的反应非常令人惊愕。 The sheer volume of fiction produced is staggering. 完成的小说数量之巨令人吃惊。 cityscape: a view of a city; city scenery; 城市风光照片(或绘画) 城市风光 materialist: someone who wants a lot of money and possessions and believes that these are the only important things in life.物质享乐主义者 e.g. A lot of people are prepared to turn their back on the materialist way of life. someone who thinks that nothing exists but physical matter deride: v. to laugh at contemptuously; to show scorn n. derision c.f.: ridicule/mock: ridicule: implies deliberate and often malicious belittling of the person or thing ridiculed e.g. The man who wants to pres


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