施心远主编 《听力教程》3(第2版) Unit_6课件.ppt

施心远主编 《听力教程》3(第2版) Unit_6课件.ppt

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施心远主编 《听力教程》3(第2版) Unit_6课件

Section Three News Ex. B. Listen again and answer the following questions: 1. He stopped in London for two days of discussions. 2. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. 3. He praised the current Pakistani army offensive against Taliban targets in Swat valley. 4. It included food, water, shelter and sanitation that will be directed at those being displaced in the northwest. 5. He said he expects much more cooperation between Britain and Pakistan over a wide range of issues. 6. Helping the effort to tackle terrorism in Pakistan and improving health and education there were important priorities for his government. 7. 15,000 security troops have moved into the tribal areas. Ex. A: Listen and complete the summary This news item is about an anti-Taliban campaign that British and Pakistani leaders discussed. News Item 1 On his way home from his first official visit to the United States, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari stopped in London for two days of discussions. 在首次正式访问美国之后的返回途中,巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里在英国停留两天,讨论问题。 His first meeting was with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown at his official residence. 扎尔达里首先在英国首相官邸会见了布朗。 At a joint news conference, Mr. Brown praised the current Pakistani army offensive against Taliban targets in the Swat valley. 在两位领导人举行的联合记者会上,布朗赞扬了当前巴基斯坦军队打击塔利班在斯瓦特谷目标的行动。 Because of this, Mr. Brown said Britain is pledging $18 million worth of additional humanitarian aid in the form of food, water, shelter and sanitation that will directed at those being displaced in the northwest. 因此,布朗说英国准备另外直接向西北部那些流离失所的民众提供价值18亿美元的食品、饮水、帐篷以及卫生设备等人道救援物资。 In addition to the aid, the prime minister said he expects much more cooperation between Britain and Pakistan over a wide range of issues. 除了上述那些援助,英国首相布朗说,他期待英国和巴基斯坦之间在更广泛的议题上展开更多的合作。 Mr. Brown said helping the effort to tackle terrorism in Pakistan and improving health and education there were important priorities for his government. 布朗说,帮助打击恐怖主义、 提高健康和教育水平,这些都是巴基斯坦政府工作的重中之重。 Mr. Zardari said the fight against extr


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