旅游英语Unit 8 A.ppt

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旅游英语Unit 8 A

Text A Food Culture I. Oral Practice II. Pre-reading Questions of Text A III. Text A New words Useful expressions IV. Exercises 1. Go over each of the following sentences carefully and select the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word. 2. Fill in each blank with one word in the box you think best fit. V. Chinese version of Text A VI. Notes W: Thank you. I think the contract will bear fruit in no time. Im looking forward to our continued cooperation and further extension of our business relations. Lets drink to our successful cooperation. Cheers! R: So am I. Thank you for your help during my stay here. And thank you for such a wonderful dinner. Cheers! W: It has been a great pleasure to work with you. Come back to Shanghai any time. R: Thank you all. Good night. W: Good night. 1 People of every country have unique ideas about what is good food. People become quite illogical when they try to decide what is delicious and what is not. For instance, if you considered one kind of food a great delicacy in your country, you might not be able to understand why some people in other countries find it unusual. The truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives. Food Culture 2 If you live in America, you wont eat out often since it is very expensive. However, very few Americans eat lunch at home because very few of them work near where they live. Either they pack their lunch in the morning and take it with them to work, school or the office or else they eat out. They buy lunch in the restaurants, most being fast-food restaurants. However, Americans may invite visiting Chinese to a more formal dinner, so it is important for us to adhere to Western table manners. 8 The specialty restaurant (vegetarian, pizza, soup and salad bars, etc.): This kind of restaurant offers a limited variety or style of food. It may specialize in steaks or in a particular kind of na


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