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旅游英语- 要求提供售后服务

Chapter8 Unit 5;;Useful Words and Express specification 说明书 photo frame相框 refund n. /v.退款;偿还,偿还额 give refunds/have a refund 退款 refund-counter 退货处 receipt发票 ;收据 digital audio formats 数字音频格式 perchase date 购买日 retail outlets / retail stores零售商店 store credit 信用额度;Dealing with the exchange and refund. Without a receipt,I cant take it back. The warranty has expired. We only take returns within one week of the purchase date. Could I have a refund on this? Im afraid you cant. Id like my money back. Let me find out. 让我问问看。; we take back any products not up to specification. Can you call me when its ready,please? Im glad to be of some service./At your service (高兴/愿)为您效劳 Were very sorry to have troubled you .Please come again. All your shoes are ganranteed for one year. ;Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) AND The Palace Museum of Taipei (台北故宫博物院) ;Top 10 attractions in Taiwan, China;;Surrounded by green mountains(Mount Shuishe水社山 and Mount Dajian大尖山),Sun Moon Lake is located in Nantou County(南投县), Taipei City. The only natural lake in Taiwan is divided by the tiny island of Lalu(拉鲁岛). The lake covers an area of 7.7 square kilometers and has an average water depth of 40 meters.;;;;;光华岛 ;Legend According to legend, a white deer contributed to the discovery of the lake. Three hundred years ago, a group of peasants were hunting when they discovered a large white deer running to the northwest. They followed this amazing creature for three days and nights, but it finally disappeared in the forest. On the fourth day, after they had moved through the forest, they came upon an impressive vista远景. They saw rolling verdant翠绿的 mountains and a shimmering闪烁的;微微发亮的 lake shining brightly under the sun. A small round island covered with trees divided the lake into two parts. One part was like the sun and the other part was like the moon, so they called it Sun Moon Lake. Attracted by the fertile肥沃的 soil and beautiful scenery there, the peasants decided to


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