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New Year Preperation:December 13th ~30th New years eve:December 31th New Year :January 1st ~3rd round rice cake New Years Eve 福袋(ふくぶくろ) Craneturtel longevity Red white lolipops good luck Japan - Obon (日本-盂兰盆节) Obon Festival August 13–16 Honor the spirits of ancestors Family gathering Filial piety Obon dance Cherry Blossom Festivals Hanami 花見 March 14th~April 15th The National Flower In spring , cherry blossoms appear almosteverywhere in Japan. They add up a lot of beauty for this season. temporary aesthetics .极致美学 Japanese bushido 武士道精神 Extreme beauty and quick death. Cherry blossoms are beautiful ,they devote their all life to the nature and spring . And so can you do for yourself. At last ,I wish that every one can try his or her best to arrive the top of your life . End 女儿节 附加七夕 乞巧节 七三五附加成人礼 is hung over the front door to prevent evil spirits from entering and to show the presence of the toshigami 插上桔子,在门上系著“注连绳 ”象徵神祇会守护著家庭,保佑新的一年可以得神庇佑 altar beside the entrance way pine bamboo plum Many people visit Buddhist temples to hear the temple bells rung 108 times at midnight soba noodlesones family fortunes will extend like the long noodles. 不能说不吉利的话 4 9 梳子 都是不吉利的 family gather to visit to temples or shrines,On January 2 the public is allowed to enter the inner palace grounds sip otoso spiced rice wine Some games kiteflying Exchanging New Years greeting cards (similar to Christmas Cards) is another important Japanese custom. style of kimono with long sleeves that hang down Platforms covered with a red carpet are used to display a set of dolls 1 3 5 7 floor supposedly taking troubles or bad spirits with them young people go to the hometown so traffic congestion * * * Coming of Age 2 Childrens festival bon festical Seven-Five-Three Cherry viewing sacred straw paper strips orange 镜 饼 kadomatsu soba noodles おせち料理 5 FLOOR New Years


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