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Welcome to Japanese Culture Outline Basic Information Location: Japan consists of several thousands of islands, Japans closest neighbors are Korea, Russia and China. Basic Information Area: More than 50% of the country is mountainous and covered by forests. Japan is politically structured into 8 regions and 47 prefectures. Basic Information Population: The population of Japan is about 125,000,000. Resources: Japan is poor in oil, coal and nature gas. Now, Japan is developing more new energy Uncertainty avoidance 忧患意识 Strong feeling Do lots of things to prepare . Most of wood is imported Keep temperature no lower than 28℃ in hot summer Expand territory. Uncertainty avoidance 忧患意识 (Historical reasons) Events : Invasion from 1840 to Ming Zhi Revolution(明治维新) Failure in the World War II Economic depression made Japanese dispassionate(冷静的) and diligent. Uncertainty avoidance (Geographical reasons) Lacking of land, resources Facing frequent natural disasters. Value every drop of water every degree of energy every piece of wood. Uncertainty avoidance (cultural reasons) Japanese keep it in mind and to consider uncertainty is important part of their education system. Collectivism The members of the enterprise treat their company as their homes and take the collective measures to engage in business activities. Collectivism Share the burden Develop the high technology together Work together to improve the quality of the products (LSI) Collectivism History: Japanese’s collectivism had related to the “vill


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