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百炼华章 辰耀东方 A Legendary Shining Star in the Orient ——昆山华辰重机有限公司宣传片解说词文本Promotional Film cript of HIECISE HEAVY-DUTY MACHINES CO.,LTD(第十稿draft) 开头: 有一条路,风雨兼程,求索于天地之间。 有一类人,自强不息,开拓于华夏之巅。 exploiting new frontiers around China and worldwide. 诞生于国家高速发展的风云时代,华辰,历经岁月的洗礼,一步步坚忍不拔,登顶世界舞台,成就传扬天下之盛举。 ’s rapid development, HIECISE is ascending to its prime from its unknown hard-working scratch and climbing to the summit of the world stage with its grand achievements. 华辰,依地利,顺天时,得人和,凭借十多年自主研发与制造经验的积累,奠定了成为中国精品轧辊磨床基地的基础。 With favorable natural conditions and independent RD and manufacturing experience, HIECISE laid a solid foundation to become the Quality Roll Grinder Base in China. 第一部分Part One:High-technology: 高端、精密、品质High-end, Precision and Quality 高端,源自每一项技术的不断突破。 High-end, attributes to numerous breakthroughs in each technology 精密,源自每一个细节的精细雕琢。 Precision derives from meticulousness in every detail. 自成立之初,华辰始终致力于高新技术的开发及运用,一路争先,勇敢开辟出中国全自动数控轧辊磨床的丰盛沃土。先后获得“国 HIECISE has been dedicated to the high-tech development and application and endeavored to open up the base of Automatic CNC Roll Grinder, successively receiving 家科技进步二等奖”“国家重点新产品”“国家火炬计划高新技术企业”等荣誉称号,取得轧辊磨床技术领域的多项发明专利。 “National Second-class Prize for Science and Technology Progress, “National Key New Product “National Torch Plan High-tech Enterprise”, etc., as well as many inventive patents in the field of roll grinder technology. 品者,吐故纳新,精益求精。 High quality originates f 华辰建立了完整的品质控制管理体系。从产品研发到生产制造,从整机装配到包装出厂,从安装验收到客户服务,华辰的精品意识 HIECISE has established a complete quality control system from product development to manufacturing, from assembly of whole unit to packaging and delivery, from installation acceptance to customer service, integrating the perfection-seeking spirit 贯穿在每一个环节。从设计源头注重品质,从生产过程控制品质,从售后服务维护品质,华辰,为客户构筑起可信赖的品质保障! into each procedureHIECISE builds up a reliable quality assurance for its customers by focusing on the quality from the design source, controlling the quality during production process, an


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