基于fisher 判别分析法的隧洞围岩分类 - ingenta connect.pdf

基于fisher 判别分析法的隧洞围岩分类 - ingenta connect.pdf

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基于fisher 判别分析法的隧洞围岩分类 - ingenta connect

  第37卷第10期 煤    炭    学    报 Vol.37  No.10    2012年 10月 JOURNAL OF CHINA COAL SOCIETY Oct.  2012  - - -     文章编号:0253 9993(2012)10 1665 06 基于Fisher判别分析法的隧洞围岩分类 姜春露,姜振泉,孙  强 (中国矿业大学 资源与地球科学学院,江苏 徐州  221116) 摘  要:针对隧道围岩分类问题,基于Fisher判别分析理论,选用岩石质量指标、完整性指数、饱和 单轴抗压强度、纵波波速、弹性抗力系数和结构面摩擦因数等6 个指标作为判别因子,以30 组隧洞 围岩数据作为学习样本进行训练,建立相应的Fisher判别模型。 利用回代估计方法对建模数据逐 一进行检验,正确率达93.3%。 将建立的判别模型应用于工程实例,预测结果与实际情况吻合良 好,与Bayes判别法、神经网络模型判别结果一致。 研究结果表明,Fisher判别分析用于围岩分类简 便可行,正确率高,是解决隧洞围岩分类的一种有效方法。 关键词:隧洞围岩;分类;Fisher判别分析 中图分类号:TD313;U451.2      文献标志码:A Classification of rocks surrounding tunnel using Fisher discriminant analysis method JIANG Chun-lu,JIANGZhen-quan,SUN Qiang (The School of Resource and Earth Science,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou  221116,China) Abstract:Fisher discriminant model was established to the classification of rocks surrounding tunnel based on the principle of Fisher discriminant analysis theory(FDA).Six factors which reflecting the engineering quality of rock masseswereselectedsuchastherockqualitydesignation,integritycoefficient,uniaxialcompressivestrengthundersat- uration,longitudinal wave velocity,elasticity resisting coefficient andfriction coefficient ofjoint planesasthe discrimi- nant factors of the FDAmodel.Discriminantfunctionswereobtainedthroughtrainingof thirty setsof in-situ data,each of the thirty sets of samples was tested by using resubstitution method according,and the correct rate was equal to 93.3%.The prediction result of other seven actual cases by the proposed method well accords with the actual situa- tion,is agreeswith the reality and agreesw



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