利用甘蔗渣废弃物制备含高中孔洞结构比例与高吸附容碳材料之资源 .pdf

利用甘蔗渣废弃物制备含高中孔洞结构比例与高吸附容碳材料之资源 .pdf

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利用甘蔗渣廢棄物製備含高中孔洞結構比例 與高吸附容碳材料之資源回收與利用研究* Resource Recycling and Utilization on the Preparation of High Mesoporosity and High Adsorption Capacity Carbon Materials from * Sugar Cane Bagasse 1 2 3 1 2 3 T.H. Liou S.J. Wu T.C. Ou In recent years, high surface area and high mesop orou s activated carbon s have attracted a lot of attention for potential application s as green resources for hydrogen energy stor age and carbon dioxide capture. This paper reports a method of preparing such activated carbons from sugar cane bagasse u sing phosphoric acid and zinc chloride activation agents. We developed the method by varying pre- and post-treatment procedures, impregnation ratios of the activating agent s, and the carb on izat ion t emp er atur es. 2289 m2/g The activated carbon s were character ized by 1.07 cm3/g ICP-M S EA X R D F T I R SEM TGA an d 81.2% N2-adsorption analyzer. Results show that the activated carbons produced by base-leaching has a highly mesoporou s structure that effectively enhances its adsorption capacity. The activated ICP-MS EA XRD carbons have surface area 2289 m2/g, mesopore FTIR SEM TGA volu m es 1.07 cm 3/g, and m esop or e fr act ion 81.2%. The surface area and mesopore volume of carbons produced using zinc chloride activation are higher than that produced using phosphoric a c i d a


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