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模型尺度效應對之數值模擬研究 以多孔魚礁流場為例 Numerical Study on Model Scale Effect in Porous Artificial Reef Flows 蘇東濤 國立高雄海洋科技大學 航運技術系 tonysu@mail.nkmu.edu.tw 摘 要 人工魚礁常採多孔化之幾何構型設計,設計投放的礁型主要有輪胎礁、船礁、 方型礁、雙層礁、九孔礁、龍蝦礁、饅頭礁、煤灰礁、十字型保護礁等,以構建 魚類良好的棲息環境;在設計之初常應用模型實驗來瞭解礁體幾何與尺度大小對 礁體週遭流體運動模式之影響,模型實驗 藉由模型與原型之幾何與動力相似的特 性,透過模型流場來預測物體在真實流場之運動與動力行為。依過去之研究經驗 顯示多孔化之礁體構形設計常可配合礁體 投放的水下環境而改變海床地型,並進 而在礁體內外營造出多樣化的流體運動模式、提供魚類繁衍所需之複雜生態,以 達成利用魚礁投置來增進聚魚成效的預期目標。本研究透過流場數值模擬發現模 型尺度效應將隨雷諾數之變化而在礁體內呈現不同的影響結果。 關鍵字:多孔魚礁,數值模擬,尺度效應。 1 Abstract In order to construct a good habitation for marine fish, a porous figure for artificial reef design is often accepted. Many studies have shown that such porous feature could modify the seabed profile and diversify many types of flow patterns around reefs. Meanwhile, since the flow mode altered, the deployment of artificial reefs could reestablish a suitable ecology for fish breeding and lead to reach the anticipated goal of fish abundance. Traditionally, for the mentioned objectives to be achieved, the designers get used to apply experimental model test to determine a preferable porous shape for reef construction. Based on the use of dynamic and geometric similarity, the employment of model test have regarded as a useful tool to investigate the important flow features around the porous bodies. However, for the operation of such porous reefs, the results of present numerical studies show that the model scale effect embedded in the model test would become manifest along with the variation of Reynolds number. Such findings in this research could provide valuable data to determine a proper model scale during the experiment. Keywords: poro


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