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19 4 V o.l 19 N o. 4 2006 8 W orld Fo restry R esearch A ug2006 * 黄 麟 张晓丽 (, 1000 83 : 激光雷达三维遥感是获取各种森林冠层特征参数的一种突破性 术, 具有精确地直接测量和估计森 林结构特征的能力文中介绍了三维成像激光雷达 术的背景发展情况及其在林业中的应用, 详细分析了 通过激光雷达直接测量建模或推断及多源融合获取森林结构特征参数的方法 : 三维遥感, 激光雷达 术, 森林结构特征参数 : S 75 : A : 1001- 424 1( 2006 04 - 00 11- 07 Applications of L ida r and 3D R em ote Sensing in Fo restry H uang L in Zhang X iaoli ( Beijing Forestry U n iversity, B eijing 100083, Ch ina Abs tract: L idar and 3D rem ote sensing is a breakthrough technology for deriving severa l param e ters o f forest canopy structura l characterist ics. L idar instrum ents have demonstrated the capab ility to accurately direct- m easure and estmi a te mi portant forest structural characterist ics. Th is paper pro vides a brief background and developm ent on lidar and 3D remo te sensing techn ique, and its cur rent uses in forestry, analyses the m ethods of capturing structural param eters through d irect re trieve, mode ling and inference or by fusion w ith other mi ag ing senso rs. K ey w ord s: 3D rem ote sensing, L idar, param eters o f forest structural characteristics , , , , , , [ 1] 20 60, 1 , ( L idar, light detectio



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