基于acusolve 的电机流体仿真分析研究based on - altair university.pdf

基于acusolve 的电机流体仿真分析研究based on - altair university.pdf

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基于acusolve 的电机流体仿真分析研究based on - altair university

Altair 2014 技术大会论文集 基于 AcuSolve 的电机流体仿真分析研究 Based on AcuSolve fluid simulation analysis and research of motor 曹娜 (中国长江航运集团电机厂武汉 430000 ) 摘 要:本文运用 Altair 公司流体仿真软件 AcuSolve ,以某轴带发电机为研究对象进行了整机的 CFD 流场散热仿真模拟分析,通过与样机温升实验结果进行对比,验证了电机内通风结构设计方案 的可靠性。研究结果显示,电机温升程度最高的区域出现在定转子线圈及线圈之间的定转子铁芯位 置,最大流速出现在靠近进风口顶测定子铁芯与机座内壁的风道间隙处。随着电机运转转速恒定, 进出风口流量逐步趋于守恒,计算残差收敛曲线平滑下降,收敛高效快速且稳定。通过 AcuFieldview 后处理 vectors 和 stream 功能,实现了对电机内流场风速大小和流向的精准预测。 关键词:AcuSolve 电机 内通风 流体仿真分析 Abstract: This paper uses AcuSolve fluid simulation software belong to the Altair company, taking an axle generator as the research object proceed the CFD flow field heat dissipation simulation analysis, comparing the experimental results with the prototype motor is verified the reliability of the ventilation in structure design. Results show that the motor temperature rise of the highest degree in the area between the position of statorrotor coil and in the statorrotor iron core among of coils, the maximum velocity appears at the top of the near the air inlet location of air duct clearance between the stator iron core with the inner wall of the base. With the motor running speed is constant, inlet and outlet flow gradually tends to conservation, calculating residual convergence curve smoothing down, convergence efficient fast and stable. Through AcuFieldview post-processing vectors and the stream function, realize the accurate prediction of size of wind speed and direction in the flow field inside the motor. Keywords: AcuSolve motor ventilation fluid simulation analysis 1 引言 随着计算机技术的发展,目前国际上已普遍采用CFD 计算流体动力学技术模拟和实验相结合的 方法对流体的流动、传热以及两相流等问题进行研究。通过 CFD 模拟能准确的反映内部的速度、压 力、温度等最本质的流场数据,从而为设计和优化提供有价值的指导。同时可大大节约开发设计成 本,缩短研发周期,目前已成为和流体相关产品最重要的研发工具[1-2]。流场计算是电机内温度场、 热应力场计算的基础,电


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