牛津八上Unit3 Reading.ppt

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牛津八上Unit3 Reading

3. It took us about two hours to get there by bus. It takes sb. some time to do sth.某人花了……时间做某事 It takes me?quite?a long time to understand. 我花了相当长的时间来理解。 by bus 坐公交车 They?can?go?there?by?bus. 他们可以坐公交车去那儿。 4. We finally arrived at the park. arrive表示“到达某地”时,后面要接介词,到达的地方范围较大时多用in;地方较小时多用at。 We arrived in Pairs. 我们到达巴黎。 We arrived at the station. 我们到达车站。 5. All of us couldn’t wait to get off the bus. 固定搭配 can’t wait to do sth表示对即将发生的事感到兴奋和迫不及待,意为“迫不及待地要做某事”; can’t help doing sth 情不自禁地做某事 can’t stand to do sth 不能忍受将要做的事 can’t stand doing sth 不能忍受正在做某事 can’t stop to do sth 不能停下一件事来做另一件事 can’t stop doing sth 不能停止正在做的事 Practise 当我看见照片的时候,我迫不及待地想要见到他。 When I looked at the photo, I couldn’t wait to see him. 我此刻情不自禁地要写封电子邮件给她。 I can’t help writing an e-mail to her at the moment. 她不能忍受等你这么长时间。 She couldn’t stand to wait for you so long. 我现在不能停下跟你谈,我很忙。 I can’t stop to talk to you now. I’m busy. 我们刚才看见一个男人从公共汽车上下来了。 We saw a man get off the bus just now. 等车停下来了再下车。 Do?not?get?off?the?bus?until?it has?stopped. 她从出租车上下来很快离开了。 She got out of the taxi and left quickly. Practise 固定搭配 get off 意为“下 (车)”,get on 则指“上 (车)”;后面常常跟表示交通工具的名词如bus, train, plane, ship, boat等;但是从小汽车、出租车上下来,一般要用get out of 。 [拓展]off与动词构成的固定搭配很多,常见的有:take off “脱下(服装),(飞机) 起飞”;turn off “关闭(电器)”;put off “推迟(会议、事情等)”。 飞机将在一分钟内起飞。 The plane will take off in a minute. 离开教室的时候,关上电灯。 Turn off the lights when you leave the classroom. Practise 6. Go and see for yourselves! for oneself 为了自己,亲自 by oneself 独自地,独立地 You shouldn’t live just for yourself. 你不能只为了自己而活着。 I did it by myself. ? ? 我独自一个人做了这件事。 Translate the sentences. interest 名词,令人感兴趣的事或人;兴趣,爱 好。place of interest表示“名胜,景点”。 Both swimming and stamp collecting are his interests. 游泳与集邮都是他的爱好。 Last month, my father took me to many places of interest in Jiangsu. 上个月,父亲带我去参观了江苏的许多名 胜。 2) show/have/take interest in (doing) something表示“对(做)某事感兴趣” Wang Bin shows a great interest in this subject. 王斌对这门学科很感兴趣。 3)


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