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父亲的酒杯 在我的记忆深处,父亲当年的酒杯模样是那样清晰:粗瓷,厚重,沿口处有一道蓝箍。平日,父亲不在家时,它便静静地倒扣在茶盘里。那时日子苦,啃着手里的红薯,忍不住就盼望着它翻过来的日子。 原文回顾 每逢父亲回家那天,我放学就往家跑,书包把屁股拍得啪啪响。母亲微微一笑:又跑回来一只馋猫。大哥二哥早巳等在家中了。饭菜弄好,用碗扣着,全家人在温馨中等待。暮色中,父亲的身影出现了。轰的一声,哥几个像小鸟一样飞起来,抢着去路父亲拿酒杯,每次总是争得不可开交。 待坐下来后,父亲就掏出一个纸袋给母亲,我们知道那是钱。母亲拿去菜盘上扣着的碗,我们就筷似流星了。父亲看着这情景,抚摸着我们的脑袋,呵呵地笑着,然后,端起酒杯,长长吸上一口,吐一股浓浓的酒气。整个屋子暖融融的。父亲的酒杯,孕育着全家的喜悦和希望。有一次,父亲问我:长大干啥?我脱口而出:当爸爸。逗得父母都笑出了眼泪。 光阴荏苒。如今,我已为人夫,为人父了;工作忙完回家时,妻也舍在等待的饭桌上添一只酒杯,(这时,)我便不由得想起了过去的情景。于是,端起酒杯,就能体会到其中沉甸甸的分量。对父亲那种长长吸上一口酒,吐一股浓浓酒气的神态,有了几分男人的理解。那酒杯,装着男人的责任,盛着全家人的幸福和温馨。同时,那杯酒也是男人奔波路上的逗号。繁重的劳动过后,一杯酒下肚,缓缓化去浑身的疲劳,半酣睡去。“看,爸爸的脸红了。”爱子的大呼小叫,比酒还醉人哩。我说,男人要真正理解生活,就先得理解家人在等待的饭桌上放下的那只酒杯。 Father’s Wine Cup In the depth of my memory, the image of father’s wine cup is still vivid: It was made of coarse and thick porcelain with a blue rim. When father was out, it was laid silently on the tea tray upside down. In that hard time when eating sweet potatoes, I couldn’t help expecting the days when it would be upturned. Every time father was going back home, I ran home after school with my schoolbag patting my buttocks rhythmically. Seeing this, mother would always smile and say, “Here comes another greedy kid.” My two elder brothers were already home. The supper was ready and all the dishes were covered with bowls. The whole family were awaiting father. In the dusk, father appeared. We three brothers , running like flying birds, vied with each other to get father the cup. After being seated, my father fished out a paper bag , in which we knew was money. We picked up food with chopsticks moving like shooting stars the minute mother removed the bowls. Seeing this, father would stroke/fondle our heads with a smile, and then lift up his wine cup, take a mouthful and let out a breath of wine, which filled the entire room with warmth. Father’s wine cup breeds/holds the family’s hope and joy. Once father asked me, ” What do you want to be when you grow up?””Dad!”I just blurted out, w


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