牛津高中英语 M6U1复习.ppt

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牛津高中英语 M6U1复习

15. agree with: *I agree with you/what you said/your analysis of the present situation. *The weather here doesn’t agree with me, so I am considering moving to another city. *Your account of the accident doesn’t agree with hers. Who’s lied? agree to his idea/proposal agree on: (P19) *If the scheme is agreed on, let’s come to the next point – how is it carried out? 同意 适合 与…一致 取得一致意见 16. be absorbed in:全神贯注在..., 一心从事, 热衷于(P18) 我在全神贯注地写论文, 没注意到他进房间来. 他太专注于那本小说了, 甚至老师拍他肩膀他都没反应. I was so absorbed in writing my essay that I didn’t notice him entering my room. He was so absorbed in the novel that he didn’t respond even when the teacher patted him on the shoulder. 16. in the world: ever; on earth; under the sun; under heaven [用于疑问词 what, who, where, how, why 之后]究竟, 到底; [用于否定词之后]全然, 一点也 (P18) 你究竟在这里干什么? 他太倔强, 没有任何事情能使他改变主意. 你究竟为什么要泄露他的秘密呢? What ever are you doing here? He is so stubborn that nothing on earth can make him change his mind. Why under the sun did you give away his secret? 17. consistent:一致的, 符合的(with); 始终如一的, 一贯的 他的言行不一 (P18) 他是我的一个历久不渝的朋友. 9. without hesitation: (P18) 如果我的朋友陷入困境, 我将毫不犹豫地提供帮助. 同样, 这情形他也会这样做的. What he says is not consistent with/does not agree with what he does. He is a consistent friend of mine. If my friend gets into trouble, I’ll offer my help without hesitation. In the same way, I think so will he in such situation. 18. regardless of: despite/in spite of (P18) 法律面前人人平等,不管是什么种族、宗教、年龄或性别。 19. regarding: prep. concerning/about (P19) 我写了一篇关于教育和考试的文章发表在昨天的报纸上. Everybody is equal in the face of the law regardless of race, religion, age or sex. I wrote an article regarding education and test, published in yesterday’s newspaper. Grammer 用动词不定式翻译下列各句并指出功能 1. 是否执行该计划还没有讨论. 2. 为了使自己被听明白,他举了个简单例子来阐述该要点. 3. 当妈妈进来时他假装正在复习功课. 4. 他匆忙赶到火车站结果却发现那趟车已经开走了. Whether to carry out the plan hasn’t been discussed yet. To make himself understood he gave an example to illustrate his point. He pretended to be goi


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