物理冶金第12章 替代型固溶体在扩散.ppt

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物理冶金第12章 替代型固溶体在扩散

* Chapter 12. Diffusion in Substitutional Solid Solutions ? Diffusion in an ideal solution: ? Consider an ideal binary system (A and B atoms), the jumps are entirely random. A jump is made when a vacancy is next the the atom (vacancy mechanism for most crystal structures like FCC, BCC, and HCP)! True random jump = jump rate is concentration independent! ? Assume a simple cubic structure with 100 direction along the jump axis; further assume the concentration gradient is dnA/dx, gradient only exist in one direction. = the gradient across plane X and plane Y is a·dnA/dx. a: interatomic distance or lattice spacing; assume the mean time of stay of an atom in a lattice site be ?, = the attempt frequency for the atoms jump is 1/?. ? For a simple cubic structure, an atom could jump in six directions. For atoms in plane Y, only jumps in -x direction could change the concentration, while for atoms in plane X, only jumps in x direction could change the concentration. = the average frequency for useful jumps is 1/(6?). ? The flux of atoms from plane X to plane Y is JX?Y: nA : concentration of A atom in plane X (cross section:A) a Plane X Plane Y high nA low nA 100 x ? The concentration of A atoms in plane Y is = the flux of atoms from plane Y to plane X is JY?X : = the difference in flux of atoms between plane X and plane Y is : - sign represents the flux is again the concentration gradient, i.e., atoms move from high concentration to low concentration (for typical case, however, there is special case call up-hill diffusion!) Fick’s first law D: diffusivity or diffusion coefficient; typically D is a constant at a fixed temperature for gas system; while D is seldom a constant at a fixed temperature for liquid or solid systems. See, Table 12.1 and Fig. 12.3. ? The Kirkendall Effects: ? Diffusion couple: heated the sampl


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