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绿色圃中小学教育网http://www.L 绿色圃中小学教育网http://www.L 绿色圃中小学教育网http://www.L Unit 6 Work quietly A Let’s learn Homework 1、Read and write the new sentences. (读一读,写一写本课的新句子。) 2、 Choose one sentence to talk about with your friend.(选一个句子和你的朋友说说。) Unit 6 Work quietly Part B Let’s try Let’s talk Homework 将本课所学的标识制作成 标识牌,可以贴在学校的 相应位置,要注意美观哦。 John 1. Can they talk loudly(大声说话) in the library? Task 2: Watch and answer. (任务2:看视频,回答问题。) John 1. Can they talk loudly(大声说话) in the library? A. Yes, they can. B. No, they can’t. They should talk quietly. 小声说话 Talk quietly in the . library Talk quietly in the . classroom computer room teachers’ office Anything else? 还有哪些场所也要注意小声说话呢? Talk quietly in/on the . bus cinema hospital study 3. What else should Tom pay attention to?(Tom还有注意什么) A. Keep the desk clean. Task 3: Listen again and answer. (任务3:再次听录音,回答问题。) B. Read the books. 保持桌面整洁。 2. What can Tom do in the library? (Tom在图书馆可以做什么?) A. Eating. B. Read the books. Keep the clean . desk Keep the desk clean . 保持桌面整洁。 Keep the clean. blackboard Anything else? 你还能说出其它的吗? Keep the clean. teachers’ desk wall floor window door Task 4: Read after the tape and imitate. (任务4:跟读录音,模仿语音语调。) Tip: 读句子时请注意句子的升( )降( )调。 Task 5: Let’s act it out. (任务5:让我们来表演对话。) Shh! Talk quietly. I’m John. I can show you the English books. Thanks. Here you are. OK. Can I read the books here? Yes. Of course. Anything else? My name is Tom. What’s your name? Yes. Keep your desk clean. OK. I will. ①二人搭档自由练习对话 ②上台表演对话,注意表情和动作哦 Task 6: Let’s say and write. (任务6:让我们一起来说一说、写一写。) 在图书馆里需要遵守哪些规则? library Talk quietly. Keep the desk clean. Keep the books clean. No smoking. 禁止吸烟 No eating. 禁止吃东西。 … The rules of the 图书馆规则 No littering. 不要乱扔垃


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