山东师范大学美国文学现代主义American Modernism概要1.ppt

山东师范大学美国文学现代主义American Modernism概要1.ppt

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山东师范大学美国文学现代主义American Modernism概要1

The modernism period in America literature lasted from 1914 to 1945 with the first world war as a starting point and the second world war ending point. Surely, it also experienced the 1930s economic depression. Avant-garde A prominent feature of modernism By violating accepted conventions and decorum; they undertake to create ever-new artistic forms and styles and to introduce hitherto neglected, and often forbidden, subject matters. Frequently avant-garde artists represent them-selves as alienated from the established order, against which they assert their own autonomy; their aim is to shock the sensibilities of the conventional reader and to challenge the norms and pieties of bourgeois culture. 特征:美国现代主义小说不再也塑造人物性格为核心,以情节为主题的结构框架,而是以非连续性的结构、碎片式的描写和高度试验性的语言表达为其基本特征,借以标志与传统的决裂。 美国现代主义文学的特征也体现在对“人”这一概念的诠释上,通过注重揭示人性的丑恶面,阐述人物的非英雄化本质,以及内心世界的混乱无序,呈现出一副病态的物质世界里生活着一群病态心理,或是走向病态心理的人的画面。 美国现代主义文学的独到之处还在于对意识流的精确理解和成熟运用,其实质是突破了传统现实主义文学正常的时空结构,从根本上否定事件、思维发展的连贯性和因果关系。 The differences between realism and modernism The 1920s The second renaissance The Jazz age Feminism the lost generation Southern literature Harlem renaissance The Waste Land Painters Chicago Renaissance The 1920s: the Jazz Age The First World War stands as a great dividing line between the 19th century and contemporary America. Lost Generation appeared A group of new dramatists emerged: Eugene O’Neil 1920 –1930 a time of new directions and new achievements in all the arts. American Black Literature developed: Harlem Renaissance 1930 –1940:the Great Depression Works of political and social criticism John Steinbeck 1940 –1950 (after WWII) A new generation of authors appeared Modeled on the works of Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Faulkner, Freud 1960 --1970 Turned to experimental techniques, to absurd humor, and to mocking examination of the irrational and the disorder * * American Modernism 1914 – 1945 Historical Background traumas of the first world war 第一次世界大战的创伤 Industrialization and urbanization 工业化程度的加剧和城市化进程的加深


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