
第七讲 翻译中的文白之辩.ppt

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第七讲 翻译中的文白之辩

翻译中的文白之辩 余光中: 白以为常,文以应变 “在白话文的译文里,正如在白话文的创作里一样,遇到紧要关头,需要非常句法、压缩字词、工整对仗,则用文言文来加强、扭紧、调配,当更具功效。这种白以为常,文以应变的综合语法,我自己在诗和散文的创作里行之以久,而在翻译时也随即运用,以求逼近原文之老练浑成。” 文言文其实是个笼统的概念,先秦诸子古文和史记汉书古文不同,南北朝山水小品和晚明小品也不同,唐宋八大家古文和清朝桐城派也不同。 但是我们不是中文系,所以这些不同不必深究,而是要追求其中的同,为翻译所用: 精炼准确 调节节奏音律 传递语气 化实为虚 把握语意分寸 适应文体 增加文采 精炼 A long journey into night 长夜漫漫路迢迢 They had not come here that every man might do that which seemed good in his own eyes, but in the sight of God. 清教徒移民到美洲来,不是让每个人各行其是的,而是要人人行“上帝之所是”。 The book, like wine, was only improving in flavor and body. 好书如同好酒一样,时间越长,味道会变得醇冽,质地也更浓郁了。 If what they did was done in a corner, the results of it were to be felt to the ends of the earth. 他们的工作只限于世界的一个角落,可是它的结果已经无远弗届。 If a man could shape his action with reference to what should happen a century after his death, surely it might be asked of him to predict what’s happened the next day. 一个人假如能够料到他死后一百年的情形,未雨绸缪,早事准备,这种人让他预测明天发生的事也不难吧。 There is a half-acknowledged melancholy when we stand in the perfected vigor of our life and feel that Time has now given us all his flowers, and that the next work of his never idle fingers must be to steal them one by one away. 人生到了中年,我们会有一种似实似虚的悲哀之感:精神体力已臻完美,岁月已给予一切花朵,可岁月不居,下一步就是把给予的花一朵朵偷走。 In that variety of natural utterances, he could find something accordant with every passage of his sermon, were it of tenderness or reverential fear. 天籁万端,牧师先生的文章语调有时候是一片慈祥,有时候庄严肃穆,似乎也和天地间刻刻不同的气息相配合。 调节节奏音律 How sweet as we floated homeward down the golden river at sunset. 黄昏日落,满溪金光,我们泛舟而下,转返家门,那种情调多么可爱。 Even the inhabitants of the cities, born and brought up among brick walls and bustling streets, enter with facility into the rural habits, and evince a tact for rural occupation. 即使城市中人,出生于砖屋,营营于闹市,一旦移居农村,生活习惯忽然改变,各种操作,亦大异昔日,然其人一定仍能应付裕如。 The same river ran on as it had run on before, but the cheerful faces that had been once reflected in its stream had passed away. I saw things once familiar as I saw them before. But fathers, where are they? I was in this respect like


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