综合英语二上unit 2.ppt

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综合英语二上unit 2

review 1. He pulled off his cap and bowed gently, to my and surprise. (embarrass) 2. Since the party is very informal, whether you wear the red dress or the blue one is really . (important) 3. Thanks to his hard work, he has risen from to international fame. (obscure) 4. The paint came off as the result of to the rain. (expose). 5. In his final agony he called for the comfort which he had rejected for years. (religion) lesson 2 Heroes and Cultural Icons Gary Gosggarian Do you know these celebrities? para 1-3 Heroes and cultural icons New words: n. 英雄(heroes,heroine) a. 文化的(culture) 想到 a. 著名的 n.成就 n.定义(define) v.有别于,使显著 n. 意识,观念 n. 贫穷 adv.因此,所以 例如 part I related questions: P61 1. how does Goshgarian define heroes and heroines? 2. according to Goshgarian what kind of people are generally admired by society? part I related questions: P61 3. Some people say that our age is an unheroic one. What reasons do they give? 4. according to Goshgarian what sort of people are cultural icons? What are some of the things that make figures icons? para 1 You might, in fact, name people who are celebrated for their wealth and glamour rather than their achievements and moral strength of character. actually, you might choose these people because of instead of . para. 2 By definition, heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage, achievements, and self-sacrifice made most often for the benefit of others by definition:按定义 be distinguished by:由于……而有别(于……) heroes and heroines are people who are different from other people because of their unusual courage, achievements and the sacrifices they make in the interests of others. 就定义而言,英雄之所以与众不同是因为他们有非凡的勇气、取得卓越的成就、常常为他人的利益而作出牺牲。 para. 2 they are people against whom we measure others. theyve become a sort of standard measure... against...对照……评价 Good hygiene is key measure against pandemic in


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