综合英语第二版 unit 8 focus on global warming.ppt

综合英语第二版 unit 8 focus on global warming.ppt

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综合英语第二版 unit 8 focus on global warming

Pre-reading activities 1. What do you know about global warming? What is the cause of global warming? 2. What changes could the greenhouse effect create in the Earth’s climate? 3. What can we do to deal with the greenhouse effect? Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased 0.74+0.18°C during the 100 years ending in 2005. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that most of the temperature increase since the mid-20th century is “very likely” due to the increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations These basic conclusions have been endorsed by at least 30 scientific societies and academies of science, including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries. While individual scientists have voiced disagreement with these findings, the overwhelming with these findings, the overwhelming majority of scientists working on climate change agree with the IPCC’S main conclusions. A greenhouse is made of glass and is used for growing plants, especially during cold weather. How does a greenhouse work? Group discussion 1.What are some of the environmental problems in today’s world? 2. What is causing the environmental problems? 3. What should we do to protect our environment? Environmental protection organizations 1.Green Party 中华环保联合会(ACEF) All-China Environment Federation 中华环保联合会的宗旨是围绕实施可持续发展战略,围绕实现国家环境与发展的目标,围绕维护公众和社会环境权益,充分体现中华环保联合会“大中华、大环境、大联合”的组织优势,发挥政府与社会之间的桥梁和纽带作用,促进中国环境事业发展,推动全人类环境事业的进步。 自然之友是一家非营利性的民间环保组织,致力于推动公众参与环境保护,支持全国各地的会员和志愿者关注本地的环境挑战。 〖愿景〗 在人与自然和谐的社会中,每个人都能分享安全的资源和美好的环境 〖使命〗 建设公众参与环境保护的平台,让环境保护的意识深入人心并转化成自觉的行动 〖核心价值观〗 与大自然为友,尊重自然万物的生命权利; 真心实意,身体力行; 公民社会的发展与健全是环境保护的重要保证 My Thoughts on Environmental Protection When faced with all kinds of environmental problem, many people seem to believe that


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