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Thank you …… 天觉 把母亲的悲痛无奈感刻画得淋漓尽致 精致逼真的雕刻手法令人叹为观止 A mothers love 教堂艺术杰作之二是贝尔尼尼 雕制的青铜华盖(巴洛克艺术) 教堂艺术杰作之二是贝尔尼尼 雕制的青铜华盖(巴洛克艺术) A gold-plated ring oil lamp here is st Peters cemetery St. Peters graveyard entrance The third is a masterpiece of art church of St. Peters throne 系贝尔尼尼设计的镀金青铜宝座 Culver works of sculptor Arnold 圣彼得青铜雕像 A large number of exquisite carving and painting works collected 120 bits Outstanding artists from the early 16th century to the 17th century The bible story Many late Pope are buried in the church The Pope has always employs only has the rare loyalty Swiss army Guards clothing unchanged is 500 meters open its personally design The Vatican, the Popes guard is made up of two hundred Swiss army 配乐:弦之歌(巴哈);自新大陆(德沃夏克) As the Italian capital, Rome is in the national political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the world famous historical and cultural city, the birthplace of the Roman empire. It is the center of the Catholic church, there are more than 900 churches and monasteries, seven Catholic university. The city of the Vatican is the base of the Catholic Pope and church. In 1980, the Roman history center is listed as world cultural heritage. In the streets of Rome we are from Italy to the Vatican state In the colonnade to the Vatican area of 0.44 square kilometers, population of about one thousand people No women and children in the country 进入圣彼得广场 St Peters church Reconstruction in 1506 after 120 years in 1626 大理石柱廊 方尖石碑 广场建成于1667年呈椭圆形 长340米 宽240米 喷水池 石碑尖上是耶稣受难的十字架 方尖石碑是公元40年从埃及运来的 Corridor Total 4 284 marble columns which side column 88 When in 140 the saint statue Cathedral length 186.36 meters which can accommodate 80,000 people! The worlds largest church Church when 11 statue in the middle on the top of the statue of Jesus When the two have a right is Greenwich mean time on the left is time of Rome Jesus Jesus’s second disciples of St. Mark Queuing to enter St. Peters Basilica 华丽 精美 庄重 肃穆 两旁有侧厅 Church dome is Michelangelos archit


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