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生如夏花 The people 于晓倩 杨映梅 黄蓉 韩玉萍 Contents Population and Settlement The American Society Language Religion melting pot The United States has long been known as a melting pot, because it is a country of many ethnic groups from different parts of the world. So it includes a variety of different cultures. This diversity of culture has both advantages and disanvantages. European origin(70%) Latin America (Hispanics) (12.8%) Asia (3.5%) Africa (12.3%) Indian (0.9%) Australia Mexico Canada …… Ⅰ. Population Analysis of the United States →WASPs (dominant ethnic) →the largest ethnic minority →slave trade →Emancipation proclamation →Indian Reservation ※ Slave Trade The Atlantic slave trade took place across the Atlantic ocean from the 16th through to the 19th centuries. The vast majority of slaves transported to the New World were Africans, sold by Africans to European slave traders who then transported them to the colonies in North and South America. slaves platation Ⅲ.Settlement The growth of population The growth of population density Population center of gravity has been moving weatward The quantity of towns increasing, more people more tend to live in towns. →315.09 million people →4 persons per square kilometer to 85 or more →good climate, fertile soil,gold, growth of new industries →61 to 6,435 The newest American census According to the census bureau on December 27, 2012, the data shows the population of U.S. is expected to reach 315.09 million people until January 1, 2013. And at the same time, American population will reach 399.8 million in 2050. california New York Nevada Colorado Language in the US As the United States is a multinational country, many languages are spoken there. But English is its national language and is spoken as the mother tongue. In general, most of the black people speak English, but the Hispanics(西班牙裔)speak Spanish. Population change of Hispanic or Latino residents by county Actress Alexis Bledel is White Hispanic of Argen


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