美国文化five symbol.ppt

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美国文化five symbol

;Five Symbols;;;Creation Background;Author;Gohic Architecture;;;;Goddess Forms;自由女神像基石上铭刻的犹太女诗人爱玛·拉扎露丝的十四行诗《新巨人》中的诗句:;;;History;Significance ------Cultural symbol;;;;The statue of libertys copy;;;;;;;;Barbie say hello to you; To most people, impression of Barbie comes from the United States. So, they will think creators of Barbie dolls are American. In fact, Barbies predecessor is Germanys Bild Lilli. During a trip to Europe in 1956 with her children Barbara and Kenneth, Ruth Handler came across a German toy doll called Bild Lilli. The adult-figured (成人形象) doll was exactly what Handler had in mind, so she purchased three of them. ; ;;;;;;;Symbol of power; Princess of the Korean Court India Barbie Oriental(东方的) ; ;Hollywood Movie Star Collection; 2010 China (Dalian) International Garment Textile Fair(服装纺织品博???会), a special Barbie doll clothes fashion design exhibition attracted a lot of the audiences attention. This is a Barbie doll clothing fashion design exhibition firstly displayed in Dalian ;2010-10-21In New York auction([‘?k??n]?拍卖 )house Christie’s auction, a custom(订制的)$ 322,500 Barbie doll (about 215 million yuan) became the world‘s most expensive Barbie. According to the British “Daily Telegraph”《每日电讯报》reported on 21, the barbie dolls wearing three-carat diamond white diamonds around a carat pink necklace. In addition to this necklace, the jeweler(宝石匠) Stefano Canturi also designed the black Tee Barbie dress, high heels (细跟高跟鞋)and a thin gold plate with hair. ;;Character;History of Uncle Sam;;;;; Memorials; The Buffalo Nickel ;;; The buffalo Nickel ;Thank You for Your Watching!


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